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Percentage of days less than a certain date

Hello, I have created a gauge chart that shows the count of received dates to show the number of items that have been received.  But I need to create a red segment that shows the percentage of items received after the due date. I was thinking something like:

=if(sum(count(ReceivedDate > NeedDate)/total(ReceivedDate))>.30), 'red', green)

So if 30% of the items received are received after the need date, then the dial should be in the red.  I am not sure how to do this or how the syntax should be.  If someone could point me in the right direction. Thanks!


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1 Reply
Former Employee
Former Employee

Have a look at the following Design Blog post, there is an example app attached, hopefully that may help you get things sorted unless you are strictly trying to figure out the expression in which case you may need to attach sample QVW for folks to be able to sort that for you.


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