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Positive representation

Hello, I have this model where I have this "piramidal" chart made of bars, ones positive and the others negative. I want to make that value positive in the X axe of the char.

Besides, i have this =IF(IsNUll(getfieldselections (Mes)),Date(Date#(Max(Mes),'MM'),'MM'),num(month(date#(getfieldselections (Mes),'MMM'))) ) to get the max month if there is no selection at all. Now, I want to insert that into this set analysis =Count(DISTINCT{$<[TipoFecha]={'Periodo'}, [Sexo]={M}>}[Identificación afiliado]), is used to draw one side of the barchart.

Making a long story short, I want to use that conditional in the set analysis so when I don't have anything selected, the chart can show me the max month



13 Replies
Not applicable

That was perfect!!! Thank you a lot. Now in that file, I have a Butterfly chart where I want to use that variable, in order to show me the information of the current year/month if nothing is selected. But when I do that and then select feb/12 or leave it with no selection (it should take feb/12), the values change.

And I want also to check in the other tab, where is a block chart, the "Otros" section doesn't show the percentage, intead it shows a decimal.

Thank you thank you thank you!!!

Partner - Specialist III
Partner - Specialist III


I thinkk the blcok chart issue will be solved using the relative option . You will find it in Exoression tab , below the enable tab.

I didnt get your butterfly issue. Can you specify the tab and the report name. If you can add a snap shot then it would be grt..

I can't understand the language inside the application


Not applicable

The relative option is not working as I want to.

I check the relative box, and all the data is showed as % but the "Otros" section.

Partner - Specialist III
Partner - Specialist III


Can you attach some snap shot to show what exactly you require.
