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Problem changing sheet

Hi all!

I'm evaluating Qlikview Personal Edition and following the tutorial I downloaded from the website.

I am experiencing a problem changing sheet: sometimes the Qv.exe process takes its CPU usage fixed at 50%...and it is no more possible to pass from a sheet to another, since the view is not refreshed.. may someone experience this problem too? I run Qlikview on Windows XP (2GB RAM).

Thanks in advance!

6 Replies
Partner - Specialist III
Partner - Specialist III

Looks like you got some memory-unfreindly charts on those sheets. Are you doing lots of caluclations in the expression? May be using IF conditions? How about the data volume?

Not applicable

Thanks for your reply. It's strange, because I'm following the tutorial and doing nothing else but changing layouts or orderings...and so volumes should not present computational problems...

Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP

Select from the menu bar Settings -> Sheet Properties. Look at the Calc Time column to see if you can identify the problem object(s).


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Hi Rob,

I did not find anything useful. I found that the problem occurs when copying an object and pasting it on the sheet..may you have some ideas?

Thanks very much!

Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP

Do you mean the slowdown occurs when you paste the object? Or that the the application continues to be slow after pasting?


Not applicable

I found the issue: I was working in AJAX mode, which is in beta...

Since I turned off this feature, everything is going correctly!

Thank you for your answers!