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Hola, soy nuevo en esto, tengo dos campos [REGION] y [GERENCIA], trato de que en una grafica de barras me presente como dimension la [REGION] cuando no hay ninguna seleccionada, y si existe una seleccion de [REGION] en su lugar me grafique los datos de [GERENCIA], para esto uso el siguiente codigo dentro de una dimension calculada, no funciona.
Gracias de antemano.
Hi, I'm new at this, have two fields [REGION] and [GERENCIA], I'm trying to get a bar chart with [REGION] as dimension when there is no one selected, and then, if there is one [REGION] selected, it present me [GERENCIA] as dimension instead. For this I'm adding a calculated dimension with the code its up there. It dosnt work.
Thanks in advance.
(Sorry for my poor english, lol)
Fernando Urbina
Try like this
Hope it helps
Try like this
Hope it helps
It looks like you want if(GetSelectedCount(REGION)=1, GERENCIA, REGION)
Thank you both for the fast answers, is there any page where i can found more functions like that?, would be really helpfull.
Thank you again
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