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Hi All,
I, as a novice, would appreciate some assistance. I have a small Microsoft Access database that I want to connect to in QlikView 11.2 SR8.
However whenever I create a new QlikView file, select Edit Script, ODBC as my Database and click Connect, I get the following error:
I have tried connecting to the Access database from another machine and got the same error. Obviously some setup is missing, but I can figure out a solution. I thought perhaps my Microsoft Access is installed incorrectly, but I am able to open the Access database and edit as needed. Just can't connect to the database in QlikView. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
if you're using accdb. Format, then you can make the following steps:
step 1: SELECT "OLE DB " in the Database tab
step2: Check "force 32 Bit"
step3: Click "Connect"
step4: in the "Data Link Properties ". Select "Microsoft Office 12.0 Access Database Engine OLEDB Provider"
step5: Click "Next"
step6: You will be directed to "Connection Tab"
step7: Copy and paste the complete/full path of the Access Database ("E\.....\yourDatabase.accdb")
step8: Go to "Advanced tab", uncheck "Share Deny None" and Check "Read/Write"
step9: Go to "Connection tab" and click "Test Connection"
step10: then you will have a message : "Test Connection succeeded"
step11: Click "OK"
i hope that helps
Hi ,
Did you configure the database at Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Administrative Tools.
Hi Wiz,
Thank you kindly for the response. I was initially quite excited when I saw your response and immediately tried it out. Unfortunately, when I try and add the MS Access driver (*.mdb, *.accdb), I get exactly the same error. Any other ideas?
For the sake of completeness, I checked the "User DSN" and "Drivers" tabs and the MS Access Drivers appear there.
Hi Jacques, if OBDC administrator returns the same error it seems a MS office issue (it can be only the driver installation) maybe a fix or reinstall can fix the issue.
Hi Jacques,
what Kind of Format do you use? accdb or MdB?
if you're using accdb. Format, then you can make the following steps:
step 1: SELECT "OLE DB " in the Database tab
step2: Check "force 32 Bit"
step3: Click "Connect"
step4: in the "Data Link Properties ". Select "Microsoft Office 12.0 Access Database Engine OLEDB Provider"
step5: Click "Next"
step6: You will be directed to "Connection Tab"
step7: Copy and paste the complete/full path of the Access Database ("E\.....\yourDatabase.accdb")
step8: Go to "Advanced tab", uncheck "Share Deny None" and Check "Read/Write"
step9: Go to "Connection tab" and click "Test Connection"
step10: then you will have a message : "Test Connection succeeded"
step11: Click "OK"
i hope that helps
Is your Windows account member of the local Administrators group on your machine?
Beck Beck, you are amazing! It worked! Thank you so much.
Hey Peter, thank you for your response. I tried Beck Beck's solution and it worked! Very happy indeed! Thank you kindly though for assisting
Thanks for the response, Ruben! Problem resolved with Beck Beck's assistance.