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Qlik Web Connector Issue in QMC Reload Schedule

I've been working with Qlik Web Connectors (former QV Source) since last year. All my aplications linked to these conectors are automatically reloaded through QMC. It works fine, except to one conector, Qlik General Web Connector.

Sudenly, months ago, all aplications that depends on Qlik General Web Connector don't load anymore through QMC. It keeps loading during hours resulting in error and then new attempts and son on. It happens in EVERY application that depends on Qlik General Web Connector. Bu it works fine if I load manually.

Since then, I've tried to reach to almost everyone who could solve this: the QV Source's staff, technical support from my reseller and others. None of them could help me. They simply don't know what is the problem.

Today, I use Windows Task to compensate. But it's not what I want. I'd like to get back to the QMC's routine. Anyone here has a hint to what's is going on? You are my last hope...


14 Replies

Hello Marcelo,

What do the task/document logs show? Provide the task log of the failed reload task along with the document log of the QVW file associated with the failed task. By default, the task logs are stored in %ProgramData%\QlikTech\DistributionService\1\Log\DateOfTask\NameOfTask. If you have configured the QDS Application Data Folder in a different folder, you can check the location by looking in the QMC > System > Setup > Distribution Services > QDS@ > General tab.

If document logging is enabled, it will be stored in the same directory in which the QVW file is housed. If document logging is not enabled, you will need to open the QVW file in QlikView Developer, click Settings > Document Properties > General tab and ensure the Generate Logfile checkbox is ticked. Then run the reload task so that the document log is generated. Scroll to the bottom of the document log to see the error.

- Chip

Principal Technical Support Engineer with Qlik Support
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Hello, Chip

The task's log:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

-<Root Modified="2017-01-03T21:23:19.1490023Z" Status="Finished" HasWarnings="True" StartCount="10" MaxRunTime="06:00:00" FinishedAt="03/01/2017 19:23:19" StartedAt="03/01/2017 19:23:12" LastExecution="03/01/2017 19:23:12" InternalError="True" PreviousRunHadErrors="True" TaskException="" TaskManuallyAborted="False" RunID="f7cec314-ea46-434c-854f-db9bee355ffc" OwnedByClusterID="2" TaskID="ede5fdb1-c627-41ff-9d81-ebe063303bc9">


<LogFinalEntry Text="The Source Document was NOT reloaded successfully. DocumentPath=C:\DESENVOLVIMENTO\Teste Carregamento QMC\HARD_ROCK_SOCIAL.qvw. " Date="03/01/2017 19:23:17" Type="Error"/>

<LogFinalEntry Text="The task "Desenvolvimento/Teste Carregamento QMC/HARD_ROCK_SOCIAL.qvw" failed. Exception: QDSMain.Exceptions.TaskFailedException: Task execution failed with errors to follow. ---> QDSMain.Exceptions.ReloadFailedException: Reload failed ---> QDSMain.Exceptions.LogBucketErrorException: The Source Document was NOT reloaded successfully. DocumentPath=C:\DESENVOLVIMENTO\Teste Carregamento QMC\HARD_ROCK_SOCIAL.qvw. at QDSMain.ReloadTask.VerifyConditions(TaskResult taskResult) at QDSMain.ReloadTask.Reload(String fileName, TaskResult taskResult, String sectionAccessUserName, String sectionAccessPassword, eReloadOptions reloadOption, String variableName, String variableValue, Boolean moniterCpuUsage) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at QDSMain.ReloadTask.Reload(String fileName, TaskResult taskResult, String sectionAccessUserName, String sectionAccessPassword, eReloadOptions reloadOption, String variableName, String variableValue, Boolean moniterCpuUsage) at QDSMain.DistributeTask.Execute(TaskResult currentTaskResult) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at QDSMain.DistributeTask.Execute(TaskResult currentTaskResult) at QDSMain.Task.AbstractTask.TaskExecution(ILogBucket logBucket, TaskResult taskResult)" Date="03/01/2017 19:23:18" Type="Error"/>



And the Document Log:

03/01/2017 19:23:14:      Execution started.

03/01/2017 19:23:14:      QlikView Version:11.20.12742.0

03/01/2017 19:23:14:      CPU Target                    x64

03/01/2017 19:23:14:      Operating System              Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard Service Pack 1 (64 bit edition)

03/01/2017 19:23:14:      Wow64 mode                    Not using Wow64

03/01/2017 19:23:14:      MDAC Version                  6.1.7601.17514

03/01/2017 19:23:14:      MDAC Full Install Version     6.1.7601.17514

03/01/2017 19:23:14:      PreferredCompression          2

03/01/2017 19:23:14:      EnableParallelReload          1

03/01/2017 19:23:14:      ParallelizeQvdLoads           1

03/01/2017 19:23:14:      AutoSaveAfterReload           0

03/01/2017 19:23:14:      BackupBeforeReload            0

03/01/2017 19:23:14:      EnableFlushLog                0

03/01/2017 19:23:14:      SaveInfoWhenSavingFile        0

03/01/2017 19:23:14:      UserLogfileCharset            1200

03/01/2017 19:23:14:      OdbcLoginTimeout              -1

03/01/2017 19:23:14:      OdbcConnectionTimeout         -1

03/01/2017 19:23:14:      ScriptWantsDbWrite            false

03/01/2017 19:23:14:      ScriptWantsExe                false

03/01/2017 19:23:14:      LogFile CodePage Used:        1200

03/01/2017 19:23:14:       Reload Executed By WIN-0BR5JCJRGAK\svc_qlikview

03/01/2017 19:23:14:       Process Executing: QVB

03/01/2017 19:23:14:       Process ID: 7676

03/01/2017 19:23:14: 0002  SET ThousandSep='.'

03/01/2017 19:23:14: 0003  SET DecimalSep=','

03/01/2017 19:23:14: 0004  SET MoneyThousandSep='.'

03/01/2017 19:23:14: 0005  SET MoneyDecimalSep=','

03/01/2017 19:23:14: 0006  SET MoneyFormat='R$ #.##0,00;-R$ #.##0,00'

03/01/2017 19:23:14: 0007  SET TimeFormat='hh:mm:ss'

03/01/2017 19:23:14: 0008  SET DateFormat='DD/MM/YYYY'

03/01/2017 19:23:14: 0009  SET TimestampFormat='DD/MM/YYYY hh:mm:ss[.fff]'

03/01/2017 19:23:14: 0010  SET MonthNames='jan;fev;mar;abr;mai;jun;jul;ago;set;out;nov;dez'

03/01/2017 19:23:14: 0011  SET DayNames='seg;ter;qua;qui;sex;sáb;dom'

03/01/2017 19:23:14: 0184  HARDROCK_GERAL_SOCIAL:

03/01/2017 19:23:14: 0185  LOAD Distinct

03/01/2017 19:23:14: 0186  comments AS MT_PT_Comentarios,

03/01/2017 19:23:14: 0187  post_url AS MT_PT_Link,

03/01/2017 19:23:14: 0188  Left(posted_at,13) AS MT_Data_Completo_Hora,

03/01/2017 19:23:14: 0189  posted_at AS MT_Data_Completo,

03/01/2017 19:23:14: 0190  username AS MT_Perfil_Username

03/01/2017 19:23:14: 0191  FROM

03/01/2017 19:23:14: 0192  [http://localhost:5555/data?connectorID=WebConnector&table=JsonToXmlRaw&url=http%3a%2f%2fapi.stilingu...

03/01/2017 19:23:14: 0193  %26date_interval%3d%3a%26limit%3d100%26page%3d2%26output%3djson&appID=]

03/01/2017 19:23:14: 0194  (XmlSimple, Table is [DATA/response/posts])

03/01/2017 19:23:17:       Error: The download failed

03/01/2017 19:23:17:       General Script Error

03/01/2017 19:23:17:       Execution Failed

03/01/2017 19:23:17:      Execution finished.

Remembering that, if reload the same document, in the same server, manually, it works fine. But I QMC is always the same.


So the key thing in the task log is this entry: "The Source Document was NOT reloaded successfully."

You'll want to review the document log for the QVW file associated with this reload task. If document logging is enabled, it will be stored in the same directory in which the QVW file is housed. If document logging is not enabled, you will need to open the QVW file in QlikView Developer, click Settings > Document Properties > General tab and ensure the Generate Logfile checkbox is ticked. Then run the reload task so that the document log is generated. Check the Document log for errors and post them here.

If the reload works in QV Desktop, but fails when reloaded from Server/Pub, typically it's a permissions issue. You can test by logging onto a computer which has QV Desktop installed, using the account which is running the QlikView Distribution Service on QV Server. Then run the reload from QV Desktop. If reload fails, then you have a permissions issue.


Principal Technical Support Engineer with Qlik Support
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Hello Chip,

I've followed your recommendation, reloading on computer which has QV Desktop installed, using the same account which is running the QlikView Distribution Service on QV Server. It worked fine. But, as I said, I need it working on my server.


OK, so not likely a permissions issue then. What are the errors in the Document log?

Principal Technical Support Engineer with Qlik Support
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04/01/2017 17:42:49:       Error: The download failed

04/01/2017 17:42:49:       General Script Error


OK, so Error: The download failed shows issue occurs on download of file. Would suggest you reach out to Qlik Support to raise a support request for this issue as they can interface with Qlik R&D and the product managers to assist you in getting a resolution.

Principal Technical Support Engineer with Qlik Support
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Here's the main issue: I've already tried to reach out them. No one could solve this problem.


Message me your support case number and I will see who I can follow up with.

Principal Technical Support Engineer with Qlik Support
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