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Qualify Vs No Qualify

I'm Qualifying names and loading 2 tables, but QV doesn't automatically join them because the names are qualified.

I was thinking in not Qualifying them, but then I realized I cannot do it because fields in other tables with names like the ones I'm loading will be joined automatically.

So I think I should keep Qualifying fields to keep everything separated, but then how will I join tables?



11 Replies
Creator III
Creator III

You use 'Qualify * ;' for qualifying every field created behind this statement.

use 'UnQualify KeyField1, KeyField2 ;' so these 2 fields won't be qualified.

See Help for examples.



Hi Miguel,

well, that is (generally) a bit of a problem because of QlikView's "associative logic" that will automatically join tables with equal field_names.

A long-term solution to this might be using link_tables (essentially the same as the synthetic_keys you would get with several equal-named fields, only in "goodie")

<=> As a short-term solution, use two commands:


- UNQUALIFY (enter here the fields you want to join on, see help_file for details).

Be careful about this, however, especially when you have incremental LOADs around - it's usually safer to undo all of those things as soon as you don't need them anymore.

(or, instead of UNQUALIFY, you could just load those particular fields with an alias_name)


Best regards,


Not applicable

Thanks, but that doesn't look like an elegant solution.

What if the not qualified fields are elsewhere in the Script?

Not applicable

The JOIN are made automatically by QV with the names. And only the names.

If you want tables to be joined, you MUST have common names. One field in common is best to avoid the synthetic keys.


Not applicable

Synthetic keys are not allowed in our system by our administrators and I can't change that policy.

Unqualifying the key fields doesn't look elegant for me.

About the alias you suggested it also doesn't work because QV joins fields by their original name and not by their alias.

Not applicable

Since it seems the only solution possible provided by everyone, it looks like I will have to Unqualify que key fields.

But it doesn't look elegant...

Not applicable

I don't know why we cannot disable QV associative logic with a keyword like:


for example

or why can't I join specifying fields with different names, like in SQL....


Hi Miguel,

synthetic keys are forbidden by your admins? That's funny 😉 They are not good, technically speaking, in a qvw, but I don't see how that would be relevant to your admins - well, you can avoid them by using linking_tables.

You can avoid the UNQUALIFY by using a RESIDENT LOAD and placing the alias there - it works, I've done it before, like this:

JOIN ([table_#1])



     .... as [field_name as in table_#1]

RESIDENT [table_#2]


Not applicable


You could rename the qualified fields you wish to link using :

     Rename Field QualifiedField to LinkFieldName ;

And leave the rest qualified as you wish.

Also you could have a look at this blog Circular References  by HIC.

     It mentions, in passing, “loosely coupled” tables which are disabled from the QV associative logic

     I have never done this and am not sure I wold want to, but it is an interesting read.

Best Regards,     Bill