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SQL dynamic scripting - where A <> 'x'

     Good day,

I'm creating a multi source script that extracts the same query from multiple sources.

Due to the nature of the database structure, it requires dynamic queries.

This works ok, unless i want to add non-numerical values to filters.

In SQL these have to be surrounded by '

But as this is a control symol in QV, this breaks the script.

Does anybodt know a resolution for this problem?

Tnx, karel


LOAD SRC_Database, SRC_Company INLINE
[SRC_Database, SRC_Company

Let vDatabaseMainCount = NoOfRows('DatabaseMain');
For k = 0 To $(vDatabaseMainCount)-1

Let db = Peek('Database',$(k),'DatabaseMain');
Let sql = Peek('SQL',$(k),'DatabaseMain');
Let arc = Peek('SRC_Database',$(k),'DatabaseMain');
[Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Connect Timeout=2;'Persist Security Info=False;Initial catalog=    
;Data Source=     
;Use Procedure for Prepare=1;Auto Translate=True;Packet Size=4096;Workstation ID=S-BE-KI-XTS16;
Use Encryption for Data=False;Tag with column collation when possible=False]
SQL SELECT Name FROM $(db).dbo.Company;
  if ScriptError = 0 then
  Let vCompanyCount = NoOfRows('Company');
   For i = 0 To $(vCompanyCount)-1
    LET vMyCompany = Peek('Name',$(i),'Company');
    LET vCompany =  '$(vMyCompany)$';
// The Query
// example on company tables: select * from $(db).dbo.[$(Company)power customer]
// example on database tables: select * from $(db).dbo.[power logging]

    LET vQuery =
    select *  from $(db).dbo.[$(vCompany)power customer]

     where DT_Changed > '1/1/2015'
    LOAD '$(arc)' as SRC_Database,'$(vMyCompany)' as SRC_Company,*;
    SQL $(vQuery);
    Concatenate ($(vOutput)) LOAD *, '1' as ID resident One;
    drop table One;
  Next i;
drop table Company;
next k;

1 Solution

Accepted Solutions
Not applicable

Found workaround using integer, these don't require ''

where datepart(yyyy,dt_changed)*10000+ datepart(mm,dt_changed)*100+datepart(dd,dt_changed > 20150101

View solution in original post

1 Reply
Not applicable

Found workaround using integer, these don't require ''

where datepart(yyyy,dt_changed)*10000+ datepart(mm,dt_changed)*100+datepart(dd,dt_changed > 20150101