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STORE Into txt-file fields containing double quotes

Hello community,

I have the following challenge:

in a text file I have a field containing strings like

Samsung Flip 2.0 Tray für 55" und 65"

As i store this field in a text file using

STORE IT0000A1 INTO [..\DATA\file.txt](txt, delimiter is '|');

I get for this field a supplementary " both at the beginning and at the and of the field but also at the start and at the end of the record.

" is used in the string mentioned before for inch. It looks like qlik is interpretting it in special way as it make out of it by the storing operation the following field:

"Samsung Flip 2.0 Tray für 55"" und 65""

How can I avoid this behavior?

Alexandru Draghici
BICC at Komm.ONE
Labels (2)
3 Replies

AFAIK this storing behaviour couldn't be adjusted. Therefore I suggest to replace the " with the string inch.

- Marcus


Thank you Marcus for your information!

We might say, that this is a bug, right?

I thought about replacing it, yet if the costumer want to have this character than there is now way around. My only idea is to change the csv-file after storing using an OS utility like findstr.

Alexandru Draghici
BICC at Komm.ONE

I don't think that's a bug rather a limitation from the used library which wasn't adjusted/upgraded since ages and seems to be developed in a ASCII time with the  clear expectation that there are no quotes or other special chars within the content. IMO it's quite annoying that quotes, delimiters and other related stuff couldn't be simply customized within the file-format setting of the store-statement.

Within Qlik you might apply an appropriate macro-logic which writes the content cell for cell - copy & paste or export approach from the UI wouldn't work, too. And of course you may do it on the outside from Qlik. Another possibility would be to adjust the target which may handle it like it is or does the replacement itself.

- Marcus