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Scheduled Reloads with Automatic Alerts

Hi all,

I created automatic email alerts that are triggered based on a spend-to-budget percentage. The document with the alerts has a nightly reload schedule (layer1 -> layer2 -> Dashboard/front end layer). The alerts are working perfectly when I reload manually, but they are not triggering nightly by the auto-reloads as expected.

In addition, the front end layer is not updating properly each night. I have attached a screen shot of the reload schedule below. The layer1 and layer2 documents are reloaded on a similar schedule at 6 PM (Layer2 has a dependency on Layer1). When I look at the files in the morning, all three have an updated time stamp, but the new data has not pulled through. When I reload the three layers manually, the data is updated correctly. Is there any reason why this would happen? I assume solving this issue would resolve the alerts issue as well.


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