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In the above chart I have selected Job Code 201966. I am aggregating the actual hours worked on the job. 2.76 hours is correct for the whole of the job. However the were 1.32 hours worked in period 1 and 1.44 hours worked in period 2. If I select Period 1 for Job Code 01966, the display extracts the date range correctly within the set analysis:
What I wuld like to see is the total of 2.76 and a breakdown for each period.
I need to use set analysis as I cannot like to the Cst Transaction Date diectly from the calendar. Te Job Code selection will find recods outside the date range as a result.
I am new to implementig Set Analysis and your ssistance would be very much appreciated.
If the "Period" reflects a time frame of "Cost Transaction Date", I don't see the point of having a set analysis defined. If you remove the {} from your formula, you should get the split directly.
Is Period a group of Cost Transaction Date?
The dates selected by Period are a subset of the Cost Transaction Date, which is why I need set analysis
And why won't this expression won't display what you want? The breakdown to period should be made automatically.
Sum([Labour Hours Actual])
Because Cost Transaction Date is not linked to the calendar (and cannot be due to the required database design)
thats not possible to help you like that for your case so if you can send us just a sample from your app. may be we could find a solve or scenario to help you.
Best Regards
It is not going to be easy, but I will attempt to do so.
On further investigation, if I only select the Year and Periods without the Job Code, then the analysis arithmetic seems OK. Is the problem that I have selected the field [Job Code]?
Best regards