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Can you please help me on the following IF statements to convert to SET ANALYSIS in QLIKView
IF (Transaction_Value =100 then 10 * 2
IF (Transaction _Value = 200 then 10 * 3
IF( Transaction status in ( Clearing, Authorised) then OK))).
Hi Ben
What's the purpose of this expression? I don't think it's a good candidate for set analysis
Agree with Lukasz Mastalerz, there is nothing here for set analysis. But it can be written at least with a valid QV syntax:
IF (Transaction_Value =100, 200,
IF (Transaction _Value = 200, 300,
IF( match("Transaction status", 'Clearing', 'Authorised'), 'OK')))
Hello Friends,
The Earlier was an example.
The Scenario is something as below.
I Want to basically calculate commission - Here commission is an expression.Now based on the Certain dimesions I would be calculating the Commission. So my actual expression looks like this below.
IF(InsuranceGroup LIKE '*MC*',TotalAmount*0.05,
IF(InsuranceGroup LIKE '*VISA*',TotalAmount*0.10,
IF(InsuranceGroup LIKE '*MY*',TotalAmount*0.20,
IF(InsuranceGroup LIKE '*IN*',TotalAmount*10,
IF(InsuranceGroup LIKE '*MPH*',TotalAmount*9,
IF(InsuranceGroup LIKE '*KKSG*',TotalAmount*0.08,0 -
If All these conditions does not satisfy then the commission should be 0.
And it works But I Want to do it in SET Analysis .Because iam getting lot of memory issues.
Please let me know if still not clear.
Thanks in advance.
Try this:
TotalAmount * pick(wildmatch('*MC*','*VISA*','*MY*','*IN*','*MPH*','*KKSG*','*'), 0.05,0.10,0.20,10,9,0.08,0))
or maybe:
sum(TotalAmount * pick(wildmatch('*MC*','*VISA*','*MY*','*IN*','*MPH*','*KKSG*','*'), 0.05,0.10,0.20,10,9,0.08,0)))
I'm not sure about 0, you'll tell me...
Can you please provide me the full set analysis expression.
Zero is something where when none of the IF conditions satisfies. The commission has to be 0.
You never tried my pick(match()) expressions, did you? It is as full as it can be... . I have reason to believe that it works, and the 0s are taken care of.
Please don't reply before you try it. If it fails - upload a sample application.
Hi Micheal,
Its working. Regarding 0 - IF(InsuranceGroup LIKE '*KKSG*',TotalAmount*0.08,0 - So here if it is KKSG then total amount*0.08 else 0.
Iam currently loading the complete set of data to check the performance. i have just started the load to see. earlier i was getting out of memory issue
Hi Micheal,
Thanks its working. I have one more issue,
sum(TotalAmount * pick(wildmatch('*MC*','*VISA*','*MY*','*IN*','*MPH*','*KKSG*','*'), 0.05,0.10,0.20,10,9,0.08,0)))
In this expression iam trying to replace values with variables something like below.
sum(TotalAmount * pick(wildmatch('*MC*','*VISA*','*MY*','*IN*','*MPH*','*KKSG*','*'), $(vfive),vten,0.20,10,9,0.08,0)))
Iam using the following syntax $(vFive). The expression does not have any errors but it does calculate either.
Can't you modify your model to associate the different ratio to the different INSURANCE GROUP values so that you just do in the UI : sum(TotalAmount*ThisNewRatio ) ?