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Set analysis on null

Hello All,

i have this table below

DATE CREATION = order date

N° commande = order number

Date facture = Invoice date

N°facture = invoice number.

DATEMAX=variable on my maximum invoice date

FLAG= -1 for credit note and 1 for invoice

ASKAPO = product Bookmark

vActualYear= variable setting actual year

I have order not invoiced at all yet (as order 150060394)

I have order invoiced but with an order single line not invoiced (see above last order 150061016 with 2893€ invoiced and 65 € not invoiced).

My problem :

I would like to have a real order book without those not invoiced lines. Invoiced status is on the invoice header (partly not invoiced order where an invoice number exists like above order 150061016).65€ not invoiced but order already invoiced with 2893€ invoiced .

above 65€ have no invoice number. Answer = -

- is supposed to be null ?

what i need : all order that have not been invoiced even partly (my problem) from 01/09/2014 to today minus one year 05/02/2014 (not problem on that last point) in that case = 2865+1869

My expression below need to be corrected in set analysis.

=Sum({ASKAPO*<[DATE CREATION]={">=$(=makedate(vActualYear-1,9,1)) <=$(=makedate(vActualYear,num(month(max([DATEMAX]))),num(day(max([DATEMAX])))))"}>}[CA Net cde]*FLAG)

Thxs a lot

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