I have created a line graph with rolling 13 weeks values. My problem is that there is a 13 weeks ramp up before the graph shows a full rolling value. I want to limit the visible part of the calculation to after the 13 weeks ramp up. Is there a way to achive this? I found the folling thread describing a similar problem and with a solution: http://community.qlik.com/message/316593#316593.
Attached you find the file I'm working in. The data is broken down in more details (per item number, customer order lines and dates) and I want to keep this structure to be able to view the details easy. The grey line is the correct calculation and what I want to achieve is the same values but only for a limit week range e.g. the black line (with calculation error). The table might help to understand the calculations.
I hope you can help!
Thanks alot!