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Goodmorning all,
I want to create weborders (PostingReference) with '1' operator for Total orders based on Year and Month.
unfortunatly, the following set analysis expression doesn't work:
What did i wrong?
Thanks regards,
remove "<" this
Hi Rega,
I can see one extra angle bracket in your set analysis.
=(count(DISTINCT{1<Year={$(=Only(Year))}, < Month={$(=Only(Month))}>}PostingReference))
Reomve the angle bracket and try,
remove "<" this
try this
Hi Rega Sanyoto,
Try this:
=(count(DISTINCT{1<Year={"$(=Only(Year))"}, Month={"$(=Only(Month))"}>}PostingReference))
Anjali Gupta
As set analysis is calculated globally, the Only() function for year and month will return null() -- unless there is only on possible value for year and month in the entire data model. You may be able to use Max() instead. You need to quote the search expressions as well:
=count(DISTINCT {1<Year={"$(=Max(Year))"},<Month={"$(=Max(Month))"}>} PostingReference)
Do you want to ignore all selections? If you wish to override only the year and month values, then drop the "1":
=count(DISTINCT {<Year={"$(=Max(Year))"},<Month={"$(=Max(Month))"}>} PostingReference)