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It worked fine on my personal edition at home (on a small example)
But at work it does not work.
It's not a big issue. I just wanted to exclude a selection from the current selection box
But any suggestion as to the reason why it might not work at work would be appreciated
I have used both a % and ^ at work and neither worked
Set hideprefix ='%';
Customer AS %C2,
The consultant had added a let hideprefix = '_'
I removed this and it worked
Please check that Show System Fields should untick..
Your code for syntax is correct please check by click on check box for Show System Fields.
Thanks & Regards
Thanks Manish
I'm currently at home so will try at work as soon as I arrive (ie to see if this is a system field or not)
But I have noticed that if I have two hideprefix (es) only the 2nd one works
Its possible this might also be the problem. Another person worked on the work file so he may have added a Set hideprefix somewhere
But I will try this as soon as I get to work
That is correct. As any other variable set in the load script, the last definition is the one is kept. Note that QlikView script is run from the first line to the last, and if you have the same variable assignment in different lines of the script, only the last value will be stored.
I can't think of any reason why the consultant should have added another set hideprefix but he may have
Its one of these things that isn't really important but it bugs me that I could not get it to work.
If you have two hideprefix like below, the second will work..
In below case, You can see %C2 as normal field and _C2 as System field as it will be hidden.
Hope this helps..
Set hideprefix ='%';
Set hideprefix ='_';
Customer as %C2,
Customer as _C2 Inline
Customer, Sales
A, 100
B, 1000
The consultant had added a let hideprefix = '_'
I removed this and it worked