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Hi Everyone,
I have got a strange issue on source document folder of QMC.
.Shared file has been created for each and every .qvw file in the folder being used as source document folder. All .Shared file arecreated at the same time and are of same size.
Can anyone help me understanding what could be the reason for this?
Thanks in advance for your help.
Hello @mahesh_agrawal,
.Shared files or .TShared files are part of QlikView functionality and are expected. Have a look at the Qlik Support article "Shared Files - General Information"
· Bookmarks
· Sheet objects, including charts
· Reports
· Annotations
Each of these objects may be defined as a user object, available to authenticated users, regardless of access method or location, or a shared object, available to all users of the document through QVS.
The objects are configured and managed using QlikView Management Console (QMC).
Once QVS is enabled for server objects, any of the QVS object settings are checked, and the document is opened in QVS, a special database file is created and maintained in the same location as the QlikView document. The file has the same name as the QlikView document, but a .Shared file extension.
If the name of the QlikView document is changed, the .Shared file has to be manually renamed to match before opening the renamed QlikView document in QVS. This preserves the shared objects attached to the document.
When updating a Server object, report, bookmark, or input field data, the file is exclusively locked. Making a selection or simply activating the object does not lock the file and any number of servers can read the file at the same time. A partial lock is implemented so that different sections of the file may be updated simultaneously by different servers in a cluster.
The file is read once when the server opens the document, but it is not read again unless there are changes. All sessions share the same internal copy of the .Shared file (that is, opening a session generally does not require the file to be read from disk).
The server objects can be managed (for example, change of ownership or delete) on the Documents>User Documents>Server>Server Objects tab in QMC.