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Is there a way to only show a chart when another chart is opened.
I see there is a conditional show option in the 'Layout' tab of the chart properties dialogue box. Could I use this to write a bit of code to show the chart if another chart is selected (not minimised)?
maybe with a grid container (if you want show/hide or minimize/maximize 2 charts together)
Unfortunately there is no event "chart minimized" or "chart maximized". The best I can think of is using a button (or text box) to minimize and restore the chart. Also you need a variable that stores the current chart status. So, create a variable vCH01Minimized. Create a button with actions:
Minimize Object, and the object ID is calculated: =if(vCH01Minimized=0, 'CH01')
Restore Object, object ID: =if(vCH01Minimized=1, 'CH01')
Set Variable, where variable is vCH01Minimized, and value: =if(vCH01Minimized=0,1,0)
Use only this button to minimize and restore CH01, so the variable will change. Use this variable as show condition for the second chart:
You can use conditional display available at layout page of setting of an object.
Set a variable that vDisplay
Now when Chart 1 is selected then set it 1
Now on conditional layout expression write
maybe with a grid container (if you want show/hide or minimize/maximize 2 charts together)
Thanks everyone for your help. The container option worked well.