I have a chart - barchart - that displays, stacked on one another:
- The nr. of emps present (who have checked in)
- The nr. of emps on holiday
- The nr. of emps reported sick (in the database)
- The nr. of emps absent without any of the above reasons.
=> I would like to display (on all dimension_points for now, maybe to be changed lateron) the corresp. figures.
- Since I cannot well display the figures above each segment - that would then be inside the next one - I have ticked "figures inside segments" on the "presentation" tab.
<=> That leads to the following problem:
- Depending on the nr. of emps in each segment (which is, of course, variable over time), the segments might be very small.
=> The figures inside, though set up in the properties_dialog, are
- either not displayed at all
- or, when I set them to the right height (<h6> or so), they are displayed, but so puny that no one can read them properly.
=> Is there a way I can set the figures to be forcibly displayed, even if the figures are (because of the font_size) larger than the segment they belong to?`
Thanks a lot!
Best regards,