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Source Control Using IBM RTC

Hi All,

I've question regarding source control management (SCM) using IBM RTC. As all of you are aware that the document is created with .qvw file extension & essentially is binary, QV application specific file. IBM RTC is widely used SCM tool where you can manage your source code efficiently, now turning to my questions

  1. Is it advisable to check in entire binary file(.qvw) into SCM tool (RTC or any other [except tortoise SVN as it's integrated in QV]) ?
  2. If answer of Q.1 above is yes then how to track the changes in multiple versions of same file (i.e. how to access the history of a file. Like java or C++ codes you can see it in plain text)
  3. If answer of Q.1 above is no then can we check in the Script of document (viewed when Ctl + E is pressed) in plain text ?
  4. Similarly how to manage .QVD files ?

Any other suggestions are welcome ...

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