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Store Command in Qlikview


Actually I am selecting columns frm database .One is a date column(date ant timestamp )

In my store command i want store all columns and the date column(with only date valu) into a qvd


sql select




store Tab into test.qvd;

Can anyone help me out?

4 Replies
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i think you have to CAST date column into Date only not in Datetime while select



sql select

CAST( datefinished as DATE ) as reqired_name,



It will give only Date format not timestamp.

Hope this will help you


Not applicable

If I understand what you mean correctly.

Use a where statement and criteria to load only records with a datefinished value.


SQL Select *

From XXXDATABASETABLE where "Datefinished" <>'';

Not applicable


cast will be useful I thnk.


Is there any other way in store command?


There is, actually. When you connect in the script dialog to your database, check the "Preceding load" box, so you create a LOAD statement (QlikView "language") where you can format fields. In short, your script should look like this

SourceTable: //Name of table for later reference in QlikViewLOAD Field1, // this can be the same name you are extracting by SELECT statement Field2 AS NewField2, // or renamed for easier understanding Date(Field3) AS Field3; // Date() function of QlikView, not related to datasourceSQL SELECT Field1, Field2, Field3FROM DataSource;

The LOAD clause forces QlikView to do the effort and the job formatting data, so your database performance results less stressed.

This way, you take advantage of speed and memory of QlikView and you just extract information from your database, unconditionally. Even better if you store this file later in a QVD file so processing will be really faster than using your datasource.

Hope this helps.