Hi there,
Initally in section access for variable ACCESSDETAIL I do have 'Y' and 'N'.
With that a text box use to show when the value is "Y"
thus in the layout condition - this expression is used
=SubStringCount('*|Y' , MinString({$<NTNAME={$(=upper(OSUser()))}>} ACCESSDETAIL))
But now the scenario change , like ACCESSDETAIL can have value like
So now when a user have this three value , this expression is not working
=SubStringCount('*|Y' , MinString({$<NTNAME={$(=upper(OSUser()))}>} ACCESSDETAIL))
My req is, if ACCESSDETAIL contain "Y" , then the condition or expression should work -
=SubStringCount('*|Y' , MinString({$<NTNAME={$(=upper(OSUser()))}>} ACCESSDETAIL))
When selecting a user the ACCESSDETAIL value is N OR Y
But in this scenaio,it having more that one value
How to pick Y in this case from this condition
=SubStringCount('*|Y' , MinString({$<NTNAME={$(=upper(OSUser()))}>} ACCESSDETAIL))
Thanks in advance