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Master III
Master III

Suggestion for Moving to Azure (Swap Vs QlikView)

Hi Folks,

We are planning to move to Azure soon. I want experts opinion on below scenario:

Is there any possibility to use extensively the SSD swap “temporary” drives that Microsoft is providing on the machines, to have kind of 100 or 200GB swap for some machines, and “only” 56GB of real RAM. Would that be a problem to the QlikView application or this scenario would not be best one.

Based on my R & D i found below inputs:

-Swaping with QlikView is not very good combination , for emergency purpose yes but for long terms this my effect in performance , very slow and could crash

- QlikView hardly use Swamp memory

Please suggest if Swap will work or shall we keep more RAM as primary memory.

Thanks in advance!



4 Replies
Partner - Specialist III
Partner - Specialist III

Using swap for qlikview is very bad idea. Add more RAM and the force will be with you

Master III
Master III

Thanks for your inputs!

Master III
Master III

Any suggestions!


Partner - Creator
Partner - Creator


I did quite a lot of migration from on premise to Azure.

Tho, swapping is always a negative for me, depending on your business requirements I think you should stick with D5 to D12 machines.

If you wanted to take advantages of Azure scalability, cost saving method, you will need the cluster licence, there is no other way round. OR keep the production and dev environment separate and only launch the publisher server when needed. Hope this helps