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Hello all,
I have a strange problem. I have a pivot table where I want to display some cells bold.
The problem is, it doesn't matter if i try it with a condition ( IF(myColumn='xxx','<B>') ) or with all the values (='<B'>) in a column.
The columns where I want to set cells bold come from a LOAD where i use a CONCATENATE.
Did I miss to set a specific option or something?
The strange thing is, in the same project, different tab, I have a pivot table where I use a conditional format text like =IF(Wildmatch(myColumn,'*xxx*'),'<I>') and this works perfectly.
Thanks in advance!
Can you check it once?
where ever your are concatinate tables first you create flag on those tables
load ..
con as 'flag'
from path;
like after
in pivot table calculated dimension expand that + symbol and goto text
and write = if(con = 'flag','<B>')
try it once
Thanks & Regards
Thanks @Surya
my load looks like
Ueberleitung: LOAD LAND AS LAND, FCO as FCO, STICHTAG as STICHTAG, UK as UK, SK as SK, ApplyMap('Subkategorie_Texte',UK & SK) as SUBKATEGORIE, Num#(BETRAG_ABGRENZUNG,'#.###,##') as BETRAG_ABGRENZUNG, Num#(BETRAG_BILANZBUCHUNG,'#.###,##') as BETRAG_BILANZBUCHUNG, EE as BE, KTO_S as KTO_S, KTO_H as KTO_H, TEXT as TEXT_Ue, Num#(DIFFERENZ,'#.###,##') as DIFFERENZ, Num#(VERAENDERUNG_DIFFERENZ,'#.###,##') as VERAENDERUNG_DIFFERENZ; SQL Select.......; Concatenate(Ueberleitung) UeSummen: LOAD LAND, FCO, STICHTAG, UK, '' as SK, 'Summe Kategorie: ' & UK as SUBKATEGORIE, NUM#(SUM(Distinct BETRAG_ABGRENZUNG),'#.###,##')* -1 as BETRAG_ABGRENZUNG, NUM#(SUM(Distinct BETRAG_BILANZBUCHUNG),'#.###,##') * -1 as BETRAG_BILANZBUCHUNG, '' as BE, '' as KTO_S, '' as KTO_H, '' as TEXT_Ue, NUM#(SUM(Distinct DIFFERENZ),'#.###,##') as DIFFERENZ, NUM#(SUM(Distinct VERAENDERUNG_DIFFERENZ),'#.###,##') as VERAENDERUNG_DIFFERENZ Resident Ueberleitung Group by LAND, FCO, STICHTAG, UK;
and in my table i want to display my SUMs where SUBKATEGORIE like 'Summe Kategorie: *' bold.
Are you comparing with source data in SQL?
in pivot table expression or dimension > text format = if(field name,'<B>')
in pivot table expression or dimension > text format = if(field name,'<B>')
@Surya as you see i tried it this way but nothing happened.