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Hi Members,
Please help me to achieve the said out put. As for my data, I need both EPF Number & Emp fields to be with 6 digit lengths & as long as the length of the record remains less than 6 digits, I need zeros to make it 6 digit lengths.
Eg 3988 to be appeared as 003988 ,once data are loaded. The excel carries this length but once loaded it turns to be a number resulting all zeros getting dropped.
Use repeat function like...
Repeat('0', 6-len(EPF)) & EPF as EPF
change your load script to
LOAD BR_Code, Month, EPF_NO, ''&EMP_NO as EMP_NO, [Employee_ Name], PAID
basically force engine to recognize that column as string
Does this add zeros in front of emp_no to appear it with 6 digit lengths?
Could you add more details because I have no idea how to make it
Use repeat function like...
Repeat('0', 6-len(EPF)) & EPF as EPF
Thanks Vikky,
amazing answer. This is what I needed.
Thanks a lot.
That's a neat one @vikramv
I usually do like this
Right('000000'& EPF, 6) as EPF,
Or like this if I know that EFT is an integer.
num(EPF, '000000') as EPF,
Welcome !
Fine answer too.
Right('000000'+EPF,6) AS EPF
Thanks Jduenyas
Hlpful answer too