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Hi all,
I am having a table with field names as below:
[name] [invoice month] [invoice date] [invoice line] [category] [sub category] [invoice quantity]
How to drop the fields that are starting with 'invoice*' ???
Actually i have more fields that i should drop them individually.
Any particular format to drop the fields??
So you are trying to remove all fields except the ones with Invoice?
Try this:
LOAD * Inline [
name, invoice month, invoice date, invoice line, category, sub category, invoice quantity
CrossTable(Fields, Value)
LOAD 1 as Temp,
Resident Table;
LOAD Concat(Fields, ']|[') as ConcatDropList,
Count(Fields) as CountDropList
Resident DropFieldsTemp
Where not WildMatch(Fields, 'Invoice *');
DROP Table DropFieldsTemp;
LET vDropCount = Peek('CountDropList');
LET vDropConcat = Chr(39) & '[' & Peek('ConcatDropList') & ']' & Chr(39);
For i = 1 to $(vDropCount)
LET vField = SubField($(vDropConcat), '|', $(i));
DROP Field $(vField) from Table;
Hi Sunny,
a possible improvement for your two examples could be this shortened version:
LOAD * Inline [
name, invoice month, invoice date, invoice line, category, sub category, invoice quantity
CrossTable(Fields, Value)
LOAD 1 as Temp,
Resident Table;
LOAD '[' & Concat(Fields, '],[') & ']' as ConcatDropList,
Count(Fields) as CountDropList
Resident DropFieldsTemp
Where not WildMatch(Fields, 'Invoice *');
DROP Table DropFieldsTemp;
LET vDropConcat = Peek('ConcatDropList');
DROP Field $(vDropConcat) from Table;
As an additional safety measure, you can put the last LET/DROP combo in an IF that tests CountDropList for a value > 0
Similar to other answers, but this is placed inside a subroutine so you can call it again later in your load script ...
Sub DropFields(tbl,wildcard,switch)
let d = Nothing;
For f = 0 to NoOfFields(tbl)
Switch switch
Case 'Drop'
if wildmatch(FieldName(f,tbl),wildcard) then
let d = d & FieldName(f,tbl) & ',';
Case 'Save'
if NOT(wildmatch(FieldName(f,tbl),wildcard)) then
let d = d & FieldName(f,tbl) & ',';
end switch;
next f;
let d = left(d,len(d)-1); //handle final comma
Drop Fields $(d) from $(tbl);
End Sub;
... then call using ...
//Sub routine call - specify table, wildcard and Drop/Save switch (drop means drop fields WITH wildcard match,
//save means drop fields WITHOUT wildcard match)
Call DropFields('Data','Temp*','Save');
So essentially there is no need to use For Loop? Even better . Thanks for sharing Peter Cammaert
Prashanth you have chosen a correct answer, but I think Peter brings a good point that this can be done without looping. Not looping makes it very simple:
LOAD * Inline [
name, invoice month, invoice date, invoice line, category, sub category, invoice quantity
CrossTable(Fields, Value)
LOAD 1 as Temp,
Resident Table;
LOAD Concat(Fields, '], [') as ConcatDropList
Resident DropFieldsTemp
Where not WildMatch(Fields, 'Invoice *');
DROP Table DropFieldsTemp;
LET vDropConcat ='[' & Peek('ConcatDropList') & ']';
DROP Fields $(vDropConcat) from Table;
DROP Table DropFields;
Thanks @Sunny and @Peter, It's working.
Hi all,
how can we manipulate(refer to) with fields generated in the dynamic table