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I have read that blog on URL parameters and it is highly useful for my purposes here.
There is just one feature that I miss: Is it possible to pass variable_values to a URL?
Background: There are a number of sheets in some of my apps with two or even more charts which are located in the same position, but mutually exclusive due to visibility_conditions.
For any of those, there might be a need for several buttons in the Management_Dashboard to link to that sheet, but to review different charts.
<=> I could, of course, just make a copy of the entire sheet with just one chart - no need for variables there (but for the "regular"
ones which are in m.o.l. all my charts) and I could link the Mgmt_Dashboard to that one
<=> Passing the variable with the URL would be the more elegant way.
Thanks a lot!
Best regards,
Hi DataNibbler,
Please refer this link
URL Composer = compute an Access-Point link and pass selection values, open sheets etc.
That sounds pretty complicated, but I'll give it a try.
Best regards,
Hmmm... that is about the same as in the blog_post by Alexander Karlsson, isn't it?
I cannot see any possibility to set variable_values, however.
So that doesn't seem to be at all possible?
That's a pity. So I'll go the other way and create a sheet with only the one chart that the URL should open.