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Hello Qlik Community,
is it possible to use the column function in the chart titel?
Obviously it works with expression, but it is not retourning a value if used in title 😞
Maybe there is some trick or alternative ?
I attached a sample file and would appriciate some help 🙂
Cheers from Germany,
What result do you expect to get?
A Sales / Profit number? or text 100500 / 10000 means Sales / Profit ?
I would like to see the total margin, which should be like 0,19.
This would be the result of sum(Margin)/Sum(Sales)
So then use this expression in the title
=num(sum(Profit)/sum(Sales),'#,###.##','.',',') - help with formatting
Edit: PFA
Thanks Andrei, but this does not help me.
The problem is, I want to display the coloumns dynamically based on the user's choice and i was hoping to find an easy way to display the sums in the title.
I would like to avoid having to write a long if statement with all possible combiations of columns.
As I understood in your original app Customer can choose what to show in your charts, right?
Margin or smth else?
In this case I advice to use variables within getCurrentSelection() function to define wich measure is selected right now.
Hope this helps you.
Hi try this,
=' Profit: ' & num(sum(Profit) / sum(Sales),' ##,0%' )
Write the expression to handle user selections & get desired o/p.