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I have attached an image of what I am seeing - after creating some new import scripts with some date/time functions in them, I am seeing my new data being treated as if every individual raw record has a unique value for every date field. For example, I created a listbox on Year and each year is duplicated thousands of times in the listbox. Selecting the first instance of '2014' only returns a single record in the database, instead of all 2014 data.
Any ideas what could cause this? Thanks!
You're probably using a date or timestamp field and only changed the display format to year. If you want a Year field then create that in the script:
Load MyDate,
Year(MyDate) as MyYear,
Month(MyDate) as MyMonth,
Week(MyDate) as MyWeek
From ...
Provide sample date or year field data your are using... looks like your date is timestamp..
for any conversions we can use the function.
can you give some sample date.
Yes, it started as Unix Timestamp.
In one step, I applied:
ConvertToLocalTime(timestamp((@4 / 86400) + (2 + date#('1/1/1970') - date#('1/1/1900'))), 'GMT-05:00') as FullDate |
Then in the next step, I did all these:
date(FullDate, 'YYYY-MM-DD') as Date, |
date(FullDate, 'YYYY') as Year,
date(FullDate, 'MM') as Month,
date(FullDate, 'DD') as Day,
date(date(FullDate, 'MM'), 'MMM') as TextMonth, | |
date(FullDate, 'YYYYMM') as YearMonthField, | |
time(FullDate, 'hh:mm:ss') as Time | |
I have changed it now to this:
Year(FullDate) as Year, |
Month(FullDate) as Month,
Day(FullDate) as Day,
time(FullDate, 'hh:mm:ss') as Time, | |
Year(FullDate)&Month(FullDate) as YearMonthField, | |
date(date(FullDate, 'MM'), 'MMM') as TextMonth, |
date(FullDate, 'YYYY-MM-DD') as Date,
This seems to have fixed the first 5 fields. But I need to determine which functions to switch to for the last 2 (TextMonth and Date) now.
Thanks to all for the help so far!
try below
Month(FullDate, 'MMM') as TextMonth, |
date(floor(FullDate), 'YYYY-MM-DD') as Date,