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Hi Community,
In my Database below table is there and i'm using bar chart for different dimension.
suppose certain bar's value is 6 then it has to show amber color and different condition for others as well.
But this below table in database could change this value at any time.
How can i Hold that change in my app?
Should i use variable ? if yes can you please explain How ?
@ !
Color | Value from | Value To |
Amber | 5 | 8 |
Red | 9 | 12 |
Green | 13 | 16 |
Yellow | 18 | 20 |
Try like this
VariableName = if(YourExp >=5 and YourExp <= 8, Amber,
If(YourExp <=12, Red,
if(YourExp <=16, Green,
if(YourExp >=18 and YourExp <=20, Yellow))))
Then use that variable in your expression background color.
You can use intervalmatch, but it depends on your data model and table structure
Hi Satish,
you can add it as a calculated dimension whereby you will have an if statement.
Something like: if([value from] > 5 and [value from] <= 8, RGB([amber color code]),
if[value from] > 9 and [value from] <= 12, RGB([red color code])
), etc
You can also have the above as a background colour in an expression
Try Interval Match and get the color code into your table, now based on color value apply the colors using RGB
If(Color= 'Red', Red(),
If(Color='Green', Green(),
If(Color='Yellow', Yellow(),
If(Color='Amber', RGB(255, 194, 0))))
Hope this helps you.
but if that value will be change in next reload then can it help me
Yes, IntervalMatch() will take the range dynamically based on the from and To values dynamically.
I'm searching but not understanding well..Can You please elaborate that Intervalmatch in my background color expression so that if that values in table i.e Value from, value to.. is change then it will not take efforts to change it every time in Expression.