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Vary data point color depending on condition in chart

I have a line chart. In one of the expressions I use symbols (Points) to represent it. I want each of these points (symbols) to be painted with one color or another depending on some conditions.

So I defined background color for the expression as below:


which is a variable that I have defined as below:

if($(numOrders) < 10, Green(), If($(numOrders) >= 10 and $(numOrders) <= 50, Yellow(), Red()))

and numOrders is another variable as below:

sum({$<[Order Type] = {'A'}>}if([quantity] > 20000.0, 1,0))

What is happening is that all points are being painted with the same color and the correct would be (based on conditions) some red and some green.

Any ideas?

3 Replies
Partner - Champion III
Partner - Champion III

I am not sure whether you should be setting the foreground or background colour.

Having tested that, test your logic by creating a straight table with the same dimension as your chart, and with the expressions:

=sum({$<[Order Type] = {'A'}>}if([quantity] > 20000.0, 1,0))

=f($(numOrders) < 10, Green(), If($(numOrders) >= 10 and $(numOrders) <= 50, 'Yellow', 'Red'))

The results of this table should give an insight into the problem.

Logic will get you from a to b. Imagination will take you everywhere. - A Einstein
Partner - Champion III
Partner - Champion III

Another thought occurred to me - Are the expression defined with a leading = sign? If so, then they are expanded and evaluated before the chart is constructed and have no knowledge of the chart dimensions. Try removing the = sign so that they can be expanded and evaluated within the chart.

Logic will get you from a to b. Imagination will take you everywhere. - A Einstein
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I am not using = sign.