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Visual cues for %-based KPIs

Hi everyone,

I am using visual cues to highlight KPIs in a table that are within a certain %range (+/-) of the average KPIs (text boxes at the top).
green= in range


I am reusing the expressions used in the text boxes for the visual cue check within the table.

This works just fine for KPIs like revenue or EBIT (first two columns) but not for the %-based KPIs.

Do I have to consider formatting here? I think there might be a problem when QlikView compares the actual average

value (0,0397 for 'Umsatzrentabilität') with the %-values in the table.

Thank you in advance!



8 Replies
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Here is the sample app.


Seems, the variation comes from the Percentage because first 2 columns are in numbers and that next 2 columns are in percentage. Can you let us know whether how you want to apply the color code. That would be better to understand

Best Anil, When applicable please mark the correct/appropriate replies as "solution" (you can mark up to 3 "solutions". Please LIKE threads if the provided solution is helpful
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Hi Anil,

Yes, I think that is the problem. Can you open the app?

I am reusing the expression of the average KPIs for the color coding. I then add an allowed variance to it.

The averages are like
=Money(Avg({<Scope={'Scope Q2'}, [Management ID]>} Aggr($(eUmsatzManID),[Management ID])), '#.###,##€', ',', '.')

and the color coding expression is

Avg({<Scope={'Scope Q2'}, [Management ID]>} Aggr($(eUmsatzManID),[Management ID]))*(1-$(vZulässigeAbweichung%))

where $(vZulässigeAbweichung%) is the allowed variance (here it's 50%).


Can you check this condition for Umsatzrentabilität text color from expansion. Seems working

If((Num(Sum({$<[INCOMESTATEMENT_TEXT] = {'Profit / loss from operating activities'}>}[Period Value GC]) / Sum ({< [INCOMESTATEMENT_TEXT] = {'Other net sales'}>}[Period Value GC]),   '#,##%') )   >= '50,00%', Green(), Red())

Best Anil, When applicable please mark the correct/appropriate replies as "solution" (you can mark up to 3 "solutions". Please LIKE threads if the provided solution is helpful
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Hi Anil,

Thank you for your suggestion. The text color option works. It doesn't take into account the average value for Umsatzrentabilität though. I don't want to compare the KPI to a static number like 50%. It is important that
the color coding checks whether the KPI is within a certain range of the average KPI at the top.

That's why I am reusing the expression from the top


Specialist II
Specialist II

I think the visual cue for % columns take values between 0 to 1. Like if you want the value to be set as 50% then you need to provide 0.5.

In your table when I am using 0.50, it works but when when I am using 0,5, it doesn't.

So you need to work on the formatting of the expression.


When you talk about % in Visual Cues you must use kind of work like 0.5 for 50%. You can work same in your end then tell us if needed any inputs from team

Best Anil, When applicable please mark the correct/appropriate replies as "solution" (you can mark up to 3 "solutions". Please LIKE threads if the provided solution is helpful
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I see.. I wonder if I can even change that by changing the expression.

The decimal symbol ',' is part of the script, it's the standard in Germany.

Maybe QlikView interprets those numbers based on the format set in the script. I will try!