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Hi All,
I have a table as shown below:
Month ID Group
Jan 1 Abc
Jan 11 Aaa
Feb 1 Abc
Feb 2 Def
From the table it is quite evident that the ID 1 which exists in Jan no longer exists in Feb and the ID 2 has been added new in Feb.
Now i want to show only those group names and IDs which have been added/deleted over a period of time.
It should be something like
Month ID New Groups Deleted Groups
Jan - - -
Feb 2 Def
Feb 11 Aaa
Which would be the best chart to represent the same and how do i implement the same?
I guess the best way to accomplish this is to create a separate churn-table in your load script. Because additions can be visualised in the UI alone. But omissions require QlikView to report on ID's for which there is no more data... Tricky at best.
take stright chart.. put month in dimension, id,new groups, deleted groups will be part of expression.
write set analysis for all 3 expression comparing with last month record.. if exists then '-' else 'group for new group, its vise varsa for deleted group.
u can prepare a new table in script level only using applymap or writting if condition to get the result, then u can load resultant data in table.