I have a data set as follows. My requirement is to get Yearly Turn over rate.
The fields to be used for the calculations are EMP_ID, EMP_START_DATE , EMP_END_DATE, EMP_POS_VALID_FROM_DATE and EMP_POS_VALID_TO_DATE.

The Calculation should be as follows.
For year 2018, Yearly turn over rate = average of monthly turn over
( average of monthly turn over = ( JAN turn over + FEB turn over + ... + AUG turn over ) / Number of Months up to date )
for JAN turn over = total employees left in JAN / total active in JAN
total employees left in JAN = count( DISTINCT if (1/01/2018<=EMP_END_DATE and EMP_END_DATE<=31/01/2018 , EMP_ID))
Total active in JAN = count( DISTINCT if (EMP_START_DATE <= 31/01/2018 and 31/01/2018<EMP_END_DATE and <= 31/01/2018EMP_POS_VALID_FROM_DATE and 31/01/2018<EMP_POS_VALID_TO_DATE, EMP_ID))
The out put is needed in a chart like this
Year | Turn Over Rate |
2016 | 3.2 |
2017 | 2.8 |
2018 | 4.1 |
Your Support is highly appreciate on this.
Thanking in advance.