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Hello I had been developing a sales dashboard for one of our clients
I was using a laptop with the following specifications as a development machine
The laptop has a 64-bit Windows 7 Home Premium edition I5 CPU with 6 GB ram
the response of the charts was quiet fast
However now I deployed my document on the client's server machine; in fact it's a super machine with the following specifications
Intel Xeon E5520 @2.27 Ghz 102 GB ram and 64-bit windows server 2008 R2 Enterprise SP1
with these super specifications, the charts are very very slow when open via QlikView Desinger on the server machine
Please advise!
how come the charts are faster on my humble laptop than the super server?!
Hi, I'm not sure if that's you case, but others had problems with hyperthreading:
Hope this helps,