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Creator II
Creator II

clear all the selection

Hi friends,

I having two sheets , in each sheet it is having clear buttons ok

In the first sheet , i have used the activation of sheet object ,then it going fine.

when i am clicking the clear buttons, it should clear the current sheet and the sheet should be the current sheet , it should not go to another sheet,(i.e it should clear all the selection in the sheet and it should not go to another Sheet)

I am trying this to do , but when i was trying to clearing the sheet it is clearing the selection and it is going to another page ,

So i want to restrict that , it should not go to another page.

Can any one suggest me solutions  freinds,...



16 Replies
Creator III
Creator III

Tresesco Is right, On  'Clear' button give action to activate sheet and write " =If(GetSelectedCount(Date1),'SH02')"   , then only if any selection to Date1 is made, mentioned sheet is activated.

Creator II
Creator II

Hi Tresesco,

Thanks for reply,

I have tried to use this expression ,but it is giving the same result ,

Can you give me small example..



Master III
Master III

I think you need to fire this trigger based on two condition one Getactive sheetID and then get selected field.

Creator III
Creator III

Hi Praveen

Can you Clear the purpose, two clear buttons on two sheets works same or differently.

Kindly Explain the issue?

Creator II
Creator II

Hi Timanshu,

I will explain what i am doing is,

I am having two clear buttons in the two sheets ok.

I am also applying the activation of sheets  (i.e if i select any field in the sheet1 and it should be go sheet2 and it show the values based on the selection ) that is ok,

The problem is , when i clear the  selection by using the clear button in sheet1 it is  clearing all .and it going to sheet 2

It is should not go to the sheet 2,How?



Creator III
Creator III

Yes, the same expression should work.  That is    =If(GetSelectedCount(Date1),'SH02')

Write this expression on Triggers of "On Any Select"->Activate Sheet.

Kindly Find the attached Sample.It's Working.

Creator II
Creator II

Hi Timanshu,

The expression is working , Thank you for your explanation

