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hi QV's ,
Please find App below ,
my problem is why i am getting Synthetic key can you please resolve
Hi lohitha,
What's your actual requirement??? I saw your data model. Your making it too complicated, your loading the same table again and again. Basically we need to combine all the tables using a SINGLE key, in your case ur using 2 keys name and Date that's why its forming synthetic key.
hi avinash ,
i load but after that i am drop but the problem is to avoid key , i am just adding field "Name" and "Date" in a separate variable by using "for loop" and peek . can u sort out this
Plz check the data model where "CumulativeSum_Temp-1" is coming from ?
That's because the "DROP Table CumulativeSum;" statement is outside you loop.
Few way to avoid synthetic keys
1.you can comment unwanted columns .
2. Use aliases to avoid same column name.
3. Can make the composite key from same fields.
hi geert ,
if i give "DROP Table CumulativeSum;" in side the loop "table not found" error is coming plz check
Can you upload the complete xls-file, now the tab with comissions is missing.
plz check above excel file two sheet will be there
I still see only on sheet in xls-file...