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sometimes my document lose the action on field !! how is possible ?
is a bug ?
i have the last version 11.20 SR7
Una soluzione potrebbe essere quella di concatenare la tua tabella con un load * inline dei campi di cui hai bisogno con i valori a zero, in modo da avere sempre la colonna presente
If you ever open your document without data, then save it, any field triggers will be lost.
Non mi è mai successo!
Ho la 11 20 SR5
the field trigger action remains as it is as long as you have the field available in your document or the value of that field in the document. any loss in the Field will also result lose in the Field event trigger.
but is terrible for me.. if my script don't return any result i lose the trigger !!
how i can do ?
there is a solution ?
I do not think you will face this issue once you upload your document to Server.
I've a QVW which is in Server under source documents and has Field event trigger in it.
Sometimes the field not found error comes and the reload fails but the document goes back to previous state instead of the loading the data without the field. That issue I've only seen in the Desktop.
my problem is in this part of script
let noRows = NoOfRows('TempCalendar')-1;
for index=0 to $(noRows)
let a = peek('TEMP_DTSHOW',$(index),'TempCalendar');
let z = Mid(peek('TEMP_DTSHOW',$(index),'TempCalendar'), 7, 2) & '/' & Mid(peek('TEMP_DTSHOW',$(index),'TempCalendar'), 5, 2) & '/' & Mid(peek('TEMP_DTSHOW',$(index),'TempCalendar'), 1, 4);
CALL CountReferenze;
$(a), $(z), $(b), $(c), $(d), $(e), $(f)
if i have noRows = 0, my TableShow don't exist and lose trigger on field DTSHOW FORMATTED
Una soluzione potrebbe essere quella di concatenare la tua tabella con un load * inline dei campi di cui hai bisogno con i valori a zero, in modo da avere sempre la colonna presente
vero, bella idea provo subito !
EDIT : confermo così risolve il problema
Ok problem solved, Thank for all !!