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i'm new to QlikView.
I'm trying to combine the following formulas:
formula 1, looks like this:
= sum ( {$} total <store> amount )
this formula should sum the dimension "amount" of a "selected store"
formula 2, looks like this:
= sum ( {<TypeOfVoucher={ 'rectraction' }>}amount)
this formula shoud sum the dimension "amount" without selecting the "TypeOfVoucher".
Thanks in advance.
Can you explain what you mean by "combine"? This simplest way to combine then is to add them together using '+', but I suspect that isn't what you mean...
perhaps it's easier to explain it verbally.
i want to sum the amount of rectractions of an (in a Listbox selected) store, without selecting "rectracion" in the Listbox "TypeOfVoucher".
i hope the issue is now a little bit more unterstandable.
Dear Daniel,
you may try thsi exp
=Sum( {<TypeOfVoucher={ 'rectraction' },store= >} amount)
thanks for your advice.