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how to combine these two formulas:

Hi All,

i'm new to QlikView.

I'm trying to combine the following formulas:

formula 1, looks like this:

= sum  ( {$} total <store> amount )

this formula should sum the dimension "amount" of a "selected store"

formula 2, looks like this:

= sum ( {<TypeOfVoucher={ 'rectraction' }>}amount)

this formula shoud sum the dimension "amount" without selecting the "TypeOfVoucher".

Thanks in advance.

4 Replies
Creator II
Creator II

Can you explain what you mean by "combine"? This simplest way to combine then is to add them together using '+', but I suspect that isn't what you mean...

Not applicable


perhaps it's easier to explain it verbally.

i want to sum the amount of rectractions of an (in a Listbox selected) store, without selecting "rectracion" in the Listbox "TypeOfVoucher".

i hope the issue is now a little bit more  unterstandable.

Not applicable

Dear Daniel,

you may try thsi exp

=Sum( {<TypeOfVoucher={ 'rectraction' },store= >} amount)

Not applicable

hello yogesh,

thanks for your advice.