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Creator II
Creator II

issue in getting plots on a google map in qlikview

Dear All,

I followed steps from the document "Steps to implement Google map in Qlikview" and tutorial, to create a map.

I got the below result:

My issues with this scatter chart are as follows:

1. I deal with only EU countries, hence I do not want the other continents to be visible in the map.

2. The plots are visible in the bottom left corner of the map object and unable to plot accurately over the Europe on the map.

Location Data:

I used the coordinates from the file:]

I used map image from the link: ='' &  num(var_mid_lat, '##############', '.', ',' ) & ',' &  num(var_mid_long, '##############', '.', ',' ) & '&zoom=$(var_zoom)' & '&maptype='&var_maptype  & '&size='&map_size_x&'x'&map_size_y  & '&sensor=false' & '&scale=&map_scale

My Expressions are as follows:

Longitude: =sum( round (256*pow(2,($(var_zoom)-1)))+( longitude  *((256*pow(2,$(var_zoom)))/360)) )

Latitude: =sum

Total Orders created :Count(EU.CUSORD_NO)+Count(EUX.CUSORD_NO)


X-axis- Static Min & Static Max:

(256*pow(2,($(var_zoom)-1)))+( var_mid_long  *((256*pow(2,$(var_zoom)))/360)) -round(map_size_x/2) 

((256*pow(2,($(var_zoom)-1)))+( var_mid_long  *((256*pow(2,$(var_zoom)))/360)) + round(map_size_x/2))

Y-axis- Static Min & Static Max:



How to correct this as per my requirement. Can someone help?

Thank you!


20 Replies
Master II
Master II

Ohhh, i guess you will have to install qv on a different machine with new attempts to open other files

in order to get your file working again

as far as i know qv updates the license key when opening an other file by using one of the 4 attempts.

your former created files thus have a different key and qv do not recognize these files as yours anymore