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Just wanted to clarify a number of points relating to the code snippet below.
1) why is it necessary to subtract '1' from IterNo()? does not IterNo() begin at row number '0' by default?
2) is Temp_Date a placeholder\a pointer to the (nameless) table column which is populated by the WHILE loop?
3) does WHILE loop extend its scope to the previous two lines, namely: 'MonthStart(...' and 'AUTOGENERATE()'?
4) how does AUTOGENERATE() function know to create a record with the correct format (Date format in our case)? does this function examine the line before in our code and presume that this is the kind of a record it ought to create?
Thank you!
[Master Calendar]:
Year(Temp_Date) * 100 + Month(Temp_Date) as [Period],
Year(Temp_Date) as [Year],
Month(Temp_Date) as [Month],
Date(Temp_Date, 'YYYY-MM') as [Year - Month],
'Q' & Ceil(Month(Temp_Date) / 3) as [Quarter]
MonthStart($(vMinDate) + IterNo() - 1) as Temp_Date
WHILE $(vMinDate) + IterNo() - 1 <= $(vMaxDate);
//--- Remove the temporary variables
LET vMinDate = Null();
LET vMaxDate = Null();
Hi Joshua,
1) IterNo() starts with 1. It is a counter created by the While statement. Don't confuse it with row numbers such as RecNo() or RowNo().
2)Temp_Date is a date representing the start of a month.
3)The While statement controls the load statement above it, in this case
MonthStart($(vMinDate) + IterNo() - 1) as Temp_Date
This load statement will continue to be executed (causing an automatic concatenation) until the statement $(vMinDate) + IterNo() - 1 <= $(vMaxDate) is no longer true. Remember that the value of IterNo() increments after each execution of the load statement.
4) The formatting to the various date formats occurs in the top half of the preceding load after the result of the lower load statement has been passed to it.
Hope this helps.
For point wise
1. IF you not increase num from Iterno() you get one extra row try to remove -1 and check result
2. Temp_Date is the base variable from where to be date start.
3. No while is used to run the loop until its condition fulfil.
4. Autogenerate() is used to create at least one row on table and then rest will carry forward by the Loops in yours script this one WHILE $(vMinDate) + IterNo() - 1 <= $(vMaxDate) it runs from Min date to Maxdate that is provided on the script.
with regards to your response to point # 4
the WHILE loop just contains an iterator (IterNo() -1) and the maximum limit (vMaxDate),
where is the action to populate rows with, then?
MonthStart($(vMinDate) + IterNo() - 1) as Temp_Date
populates a single field in the new table, which is then used in a Preceding Load to stuff the others.
One value at a time (AUTOGENERATE 1)
Let assume
Let vMinDate = NUM( YearStart( Today() ) ) = 01/01/2017
Let vMaxDate = NUM( Today() ) = 14/09/2017
So while condition checks Min date and Max Date and runs loop until it find max date as num date in five figure
WHILE $(vMinDate) + IterNo() - 1 <= $(vMaxDate);
Hi Joshua,
1) IterNo() starts with 1. It is a counter created by the While statement. Don't confuse it with row numbers such as RecNo() or RowNo().
2)Temp_Date is a date representing the start of a month.
3)The While statement controls the load statement above it, in this case
MonthStart($(vMinDate) + IterNo() - 1) as Temp_Date
This load statement will continue to be executed (causing an automatic concatenation) until the statement $(vMinDate) + IterNo() - 1 <= $(vMaxDate) is no longer true. Remember that the value of IterNo() increments after each execution of the load statement.
4) The formatting to the various date formats occurs in the top half of the preceding load after the result of the lower load statement has been passed to it.
Hope this helps.
You can read some of this for Iterno() and master calendar which can help you to understand.