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storing into QVD with one sync in qvw


I have an application with one sync between 2 tables of 9 fields and trying to store the first two tables into qvd separately.

My first table gets stored into qvd without any error. But when the next table loads it does not store to qvd and shows the message table not found with which I am trying to store.

Ex: Table A, Table B

A has 15 fields

B has 12 fields (9 fields common with Table A)

A Stores successfully into qvd

B table gets loaded but fails to store into qvd (error message: table not found). I am not dropping the table anywhere.

My question is if there is a sync in qvw then the qvd will work or not. (I dont want to have sync in my qvw. Will remove it though. But a kind of scenario i need to know with sync and qvd)

Any help is much appreciated.


Suraj Rao

13 Replies

Try to load your table B with:

[table B]:

noconcatenate load ....

- Marcus

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Hi Marcus,

I Tried doing it. Not successful.


Suraj Rao

Master II
Master II

Please check your datamodel before exporting:

Do you have really two tables?

Do both tables have records in it?



Please provide your script.

- Marcus

Not applicable

Yes both the table has data.

As I said Table A and Table B has 9 common fields and those fields are synced and one sync table has been formed.

Table A and B synced. And while storing to qvd Table A is working proper. B showing error. Is it because of Sync table?

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May be this tables auto concatenate  with each other ,You can provide script so will help you better.



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Please find the sample application attached here. My data model looks exactly like the one mentioned in the sample app.

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Please have a look at the sample app i have attached.


Both tables in your example will be stored. Therefore try to check again that not already tables are loaded with these table-structures. Another point could be that there is any file-lock on an already existing qvd-file - maybe opened in QViewer or by another user or any orphan windows-handle does exists. Try to restart qlikview and if it not worked restart the machine.

- Marcus