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Unable to connect to Kyuubi via ODBC Connector Package


I'm trying to connect to our Spark/Kyubee server with the ODBC Connector Package (6.149.1) from the Qlikview desktop client (12.40.20100.0). With any configuration I get plenty of different connection errors yet our admins tell me that some settings do look better or even good according to the logs.

The settings can be seen in the attachment qvodbc.png. Most of them are default values. No SSL is checked as we do not use any encryption (although I tested enabling it). Since the message says that it might not be a Spark server I also tried the Apache Hive driver but that one clearly states that I'm trying to connect to Spark and to change the driver back to it.

As SSL is mentioned in many errors I tried to disable "Settings > Scramble Connect User Credentials" in the script dialogue but that did not change anything.

The following lines are from the server log trace of the call of the screenshot. There is only one unknown error regarding SASL authentication in line 8 but as in Qlikview I can not find out the reason.

13:28:39.517 INFO org.apache.kyuubi.server.KyuubiTBinaryFrontendService: Client protocol version: HIVE_CLI_SERVICE_PROTOCOL_V10
13:28:39.519 INFO org.apache.kyuubi.operation.log.OperationLog: Creating operation log file /opt/kyuubi/work/server_operation_logs/2cddbdfd-e409-4ac0-af4d-543b61fe5155/7f3aa99b-7675-42fe-9461-0b00a55a1643
13:28:39.519 INFO org.apache.kyuubi.operation.LaunchEngine: Processing myusername's query[7f3aa99b-7675-42fe-9461-0b00a55a1643]: INITIALIZED_STATE -> PENDING_STATE, statement: LAUNCH_ENGINE
13:28:39.520 INFO org.apache.kyuubi.session.KyuubiSessionManager: myusername's session with SessionHandle [2cddbdfd-e409-4ac0-af4d-543b61fe5155] is opened, current opening sessions 1
13:28:39.520 INFO org.apache.kyuubi.operation.LaunchEngine: Processing myusername's query[7f3aa99b-7675-42fe-9461-0b00a55a1643]: PENDING_STATE -> RUNNING_STATE, statement: LAUNCH_ENGINE
13:28:39.521 INFO org.apache.curator.framework.imps.CuratorFrameworkImpl: Starting
13:28:39.521 INFO org.apache.zookeeper.ZooKeeper: Initiating client connection, connectString=kyuubi-0:2181 sessionTimeout=60000 watcher=org.apache.curator.ConnectionState@3af5be57
13:28:39.524 INFO org.apache.zookeeper.ClientCnxn: Opening socket connection to server kyuubi-0/ Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
13:28:39.524 INFO org.apache.zookeeper.ClientCnxn: Socket connection established to kyuubi-0/, initiating session
13:28:39.524 INFO org.apache.zookeeper.server.NIOServerCnxnFactory: Accepted socket connection from /
13:28:39.524 INFO org.apache.zookeeper.server.ZooKeeperServer: Client attempting to establish new session at /
13:28:39.525 INFO org.apache.zookeeper.server.ZooKeeperServer: Established session 0x1001f4cda490016 with negotiated timeout 60000 for client /
13:28:39.525 INFO org.apache.zookeeper.ClientCnxn: Session establishment complete on server kyuubi-0/, sessionid = 0x1001f4cda490016, negotiated timeout = 60000
13:28:39.525 INFO org.apache.kyuubi.session.KyuubiSessionImpl: [myusername:] SessionHandle [2cddbdfd-e409-4ac0-af4d-543b61fe5155] - Starting to wait the launch engine operation finished
13:28:39.525 INFO org.apache.curator.framework.state.ConnectionStateManager: State change: CONNECTED
13:28:39.527 INFO org.apache.kyuubi.ha.client.ServiceDiscovery: Get service instance: and version:Some(1.5.1-incubating) under /kyuubi_1.5.1-incubating_USER_SPARK_SQL/myusername/default
13:28:39.536 INFO org.apache.kyuubi.session.KyuubiSessionImpl: [myusername:] SessionHandle [2cddbdfd-e409-4ac0-af4d-543b61fe5155] - Connected to engine [] with SessionHandle [38ddae46-7f86-4e03-8b9f-03e9c05c42f7]
13:28:39.536 INFO org.apache.curator.framework.imps.CuratorFrameworkImpl: backgroundOperationsLoop exiting
13:28:39.537 INFO org.apache.zookeeper.server.PrepRequestProcessor: Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x1001f4cda490016
13:28:39.537 INFO org.apache.zookeeper.ZooKeeper: Session: 0x1001f4cda490016 closed
13:28:39.537 INFO org.apache.zookeeper.ClientCnxn: EventThread shut down for session: 0x1001f4cda490016
13:28:39.537 INFO org.apache.zookeeper.server.NIOServerCnxn: Closed socket connection for client / which had sessionid 0x1001f4cda490016
13:28:39.537 INFO org.apache.kyuubi.operation.LaunchEngine: Processing myusername's query[7f3aa99b-7675-42fe-9461-0b00a55a1643]: RUNNING_STATE -> FINISHED_STATE, statement: LAUNCH_ENGINE, time taken: 0.017 seconds
13:28:39.538 INFO org.apache.kyuubi.session.KyuubiSessionImpl: [myusername:] SessionHandle [2cddbdfd-e409-4ac0-af4d-543b61fe5155] - Engine has been launched, elapsed time: 0 s
13:28:39.538 INFO org.apache.kyuubi.operation.ExecuteStatement: Processing myusername's query[a2ab18fe-69cf-4481-90b8-b0758763d90d]: INITIALIZED_STATE -> PENDING_STATE, statement: set
13:28:39.541 INFO org.apache.kyuubi.operation.ExecuteStatement: Processing myusername's query[a2ab18fe-69cf-4481-90b8-b0758763d90d]: PENDING_STATE -> RUNNING_STATE, statement: set
13:28:39.570 INFO org.apache.kyuubi.operation.ExecuteStatement: Query[a2ab18fe-69cf-4481-90b8-b0758763d90d] in FINISHED_STATE
13:28:39.571 INFO org.apache.kyuubi.operation.ExecuteStatement: Processing myusername's query[a2ab18fe-69cf-4481-90b8-b0758763d90d]: RUNNING_STATE -> FINISHED_STATE, statement: set, time taken: 0.03 seconds
13:28:39.582 INFO org.apache.kyuubi.operation.ExecuteStatement: Processing myusername's query[a2ab18fe-69cf-4481-90b8-b0758763d90d]: FINISHED_STATE -> CLOSED_STATE, statement: set
13:28:39.583 INFO org.apache.kyuubi.client.KyuubiSyncThriftClient: TCloseOperationReq(operationHandle:TOperationHandle(operationId:THandleIdentifier(guid:EE 9D 22 6A 20 A1 42 D2 9F DA D5 13 5A E3 05 F3, secret:0D 16 80 BA 0B CB 4C 19 92 A4 CD 86 57 40 C9 21), operationType:EXECUTE_STATEMENT, hasResultSet:true)) succeed on engine side
13:28:39.585 INFO org.apache.kyuubi.server.KyuubiTBinaryFrontendService: Received request of closing SessionHandle [2cddbdfd-e409-4ac0-af4d-543b61fe5155]
13:28:39.585 INFO org.apache.kyuubi.session.KyuubiSessionManager: SessionHandle [2cddbdfd-e409-4ac0-af4d-543b61fe5155] is closed, current opening sessions 0
13:28:39.585 INFO org.apache.kyuubi.operation.LaunchEngine: Processing myusername's query[7f3aa99b-7675-42fe-9461-0b00a55a1643]: FINISHED_STATE -> CLOSED_STATE, statement: LAUNCH_ENGINE
13:28:39.587 INFO org.apache.kyuubi.server.KyuubiTBinaryFrontendService: Finished closing SessionHandle [2cddbdfd-e409-4ac0-af4d-543b61fe5155]


To narrow down the problem I tried a different program (DBeaver) to access the server from my computer and it works flawlessly.

Does any one have an idea?

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2 Replies

Hello ,

1. The error are receiving is passed back from the Database server.
2. Do you have the requirements to connect to the database from the DB administrator
3. Have you tried to configure a DSN entry on your desktop/laptop to connect to the database.
4. on a side note the version of Qlikview Desktop you are using has gone end of support .

Article links:

1. Connect to Data Source

2. QlikView Product Lifecycle



thanks for your reply. I updated to the freshly released 12.70.20000.0 yet the errors are the same.

2) Depends on what you mean with DB administrator:

- Our human administrators tell me that it should work.
- Trying a different program (DBeaver) does work indeed but as far as I know that one uses a JDBC connection. It goes to show that I am able to pass any network barriers.
- If you were talking about the ODBC Administrator to manage the DSNs that would lead to the following point...

3) I tried one ODBC connector for Hive ( and one for Spark ( to create a DSN to exclude Qlikview from the chain of errors. Both connection tests resemble the ones from Qlikview (Hive: Unable to connect to a Spark server; Spark: Host and port do not belong to a Spark server).

At this point the problem is not Qlikview specific anymore and we need to discuss this internally to check our configurations. Guessing from the errors we could try enabling encryption (which I was told is not a trivial thing to do in Kyuubi) or get an JDBC driver to work with Qlikview (although Java is not supposed to run on the QV server).