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I'm trying to get the list of objects used in a container object using C#.
But there is no GetProperties() function for SheetObjects in OCX library.
i found the below code to set the container objects using vb Macro. it has a method to get the contained objects.
Is there any method to achieve this in C#?
Set ContainerObj = ActiveDocument.Sheets("Main").CreateContainer
set ContProp=ContainerObj.GetProperties
ContProp.ContainedObjects.Item(0).Id = "Document\CH03"
ContProp.ContainedObjects.Item(0).Text.v = "Bar"
ContProp.ContainedObjects.Item(1).Id = "Document\CH01"
ContProp.ContainedObjects.Item(1).Text.v = "Mekko"
ContainerObj.SetProperties ContProp
Thanks in Advance.
Here is a routine I wrote for one of my customer to create a container object and populate it. It is a VB.Net snippet and you should be able to use the same object reference to get the object id’s of the objects in the container then use those to get the object’s properties.
Private Sub addObjectToContainer()
Dim ListboxObj As QlikView.ListBox
Dim LBProp As QlikView.IListBoxProperties
Dim LBID As String
Dim Fields(6) As String
Dim ContainerObj As QlikView.Container
Dim ContProp As QlikView.IContainerProperties
Dim ContFrame As QlikView.IFrame
Dim i As Integer
'[ init field list of Data model fields we want in list boxes
Fields(0) = "Customer"
Fields(1) = "Salesman"
Fields(2) = "Distributor ID"
Fields(3) = "Product ID"
Fields(4) = "Country"
Fields(5) = "Year"
'[ Initialize the container
ContainerObj = AxQlikOCX1.ActiveDocument.Sheets("Main").CreateContainer
ContProp = ContainerObj.GetProperties
ContProp.Frame.Name.v = "Selections"
ContProp.SingleObjectMode = 1
ContProp.SingleObjectStyle = 1
ContProp.ShowObjectTypeIcons = True
'[ actiate the sheet we want the container on (sheet name is case sensitive)
'[ create the listbox, add it to the container, then close the listbox out (delete it)
For i = 0 To 5
'[ create the list box and set properties
ListboxObj = AxQlikOCX1.ActiveDocument.Sheets("Main").CreateListBox
LBID = ListboxObj.GetObjectId
LBProp = ListboxObj.GetProperties
LBProp.Def.Name = Fields(i)
LBProp.Def.Type = 1 '[ field
'[ add the listbox to the container
ContProp.ContainedObjects.Item(i).Def.ObjectId = LBID
ContProp.ContainedObjects.Item(i).Text.v = Fields(i)
'[ remove the newly created list box from the sheet but leave the copy in the container object
'[ set the container properties
'[ Set container position and size
Dim rect As QlikView.IRect
rect = ContainerObj.GetRect
rect.Left = 2
rect.Top = 170
rect.Width = 274
rect.Height = 300
End Sub
Hi Jeff,
In slight variations of the above code, I'm trying to loop through the objects in a container and export them to Excel, but QV does not seem to like that. Any suggestions on looping through the objects in a container and making this work? I get an invalid FOR loop variable error.. Thanks in advance!!
For i = 1 To ActiveDocument.NoOfSheets -2
Set MySheet = ActiveDocument.GetSheet(i)
For X =lbound(contCharts) to ubound(contCharts)
Set obj = ActiveDocument.GetSheetObject(contCharts(X).GetObjectId)
IF obj.GetObjectType = 36 then
Set ContProp=obj.GetProperties
Msgbox ContProp.ContainedObjects.Count 'it displays the count of objects correctly but it errors out in the next line below..
For i = 0 to ((ContProp.ContainedObjects.Count) -1)
' export only the object types 10 to 16
IF ContProp.ContainedObjects.Items(i).GetObjectType >= 10 AND ContProp.ContainedObjects.Items(i).GetObjectType =< 16 Then
ContProp.ContainedObjects.Items(i).CopyValuesToClipboard true
Msgbox ContProp.ContainedObjects.Items(i).GetCaption
' End if
End if
Where do I find the properties and methods of ContainedObjects member? I cant find any in the user manual, nor much information in the API guide. Get the error that -
Object doesn't support this property or method: 'ContProp.ContainedObjects.Items'
Hi Jeff,
Thanks for the reply...
i used the below code to get the object IDs of the contained object.
if (Sheets.SheetObjects(i.ToString()).GetObjectType() == 36)
var Obj = (QlikView.Container)Doc.GetSheetObject(objectid);
var containerObjs = Obj.GetProperties().ContainedObjects;
for (int j = 0; j < containerObjs.Count; j++)
var ContainedObjId=containerObjs
.Id_OBSOLETE; var Def = containerObjs
.Text; string[] row = { ContainedObjId.Replace("Document\\", ""), Def.v, "Container " + objectid };
var listViewItem = new ListViewItem(row);
Prabhu Appu
Hi Nithya,
When copy the values to clipboard of contained objects, you need to activate the object.
but i couldn't see any function to activate the container object. So what i did is, i have created a copy of the object in a new sheet and then copied the values to clipboard (and don't forget to delete the newly created object before saving the application). Please find the below code for creating a copy of that object,
if (objecttype.Contains("Container"))
QlikView.SheetObject QlikObject = (QlikView.SheetObject)Obj;
QlikView.Document QlikDoc = (QlikView.Document)Doc;
createobject(QlikDoc, QlikObject);
QlikView.Graph ObjectType14 = (QlikView.Graph)obj;
ObjectType14.WriteXmlPropertiesFile("Filename" + obj.GetObjectId().Replace("\\","") + ".xml");
before copying the value or image to clipboard you need to activate that sheet and object,
if (objecttype.Contains("Container"))
var ContainerObj = Doc.GetSheetObject(listView1.SelectedItems[0].SubItems[2].Text.Replace("Container\\",""));
var docalias = (QlikView.Document)Doc;
Prabhu Appu