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New to Qlikview Extension development trying to add some basic properties but cannot figure out how?

Im trying to add some basic properties to my extension and can't figure out how to add to definitions.xml file so they will
autogenerate. Am i missing something or is there another way to do this?

I need to access the label of each Dimension/Measure
I need to access the Background Color of each Dimension/Measure
I need to access Text Color of each Dimension/Measure
I need to access Text Format of each Dimension/Measure

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ExtensionObject Label="Stream Chart" Description="Data in a flow-like diagram" PageHeight="200">
<Dimension Label="Horizontal" Initial="" TargetName="Horizontal" />
<Dimension Label="Vertical" Initial="" TargetName="Vertical" />

<Dimension Label="Vertical" Initial="" TargetName="Vertical" />    what would this be to add a label for this deminsion
<Dimension Label="Vertical" Initial="" TargetName="Vertical" />    what would this be to add a label for this deminsion font color


<Measurement Label="Measure" Initial="" TargetName="Measure" />
<Text Label="Show column labels" Type="checkbox" Initial="" />
<Text Label="Show legend" Type="checkbox" Initial="" />
<Text Label="Legend position" Initial="" Type="select" Select="topleft,topright,bottomleft,bottomright" SelectLabel="Top Left,Top Right,Bottom Left,Bottom Right" />
<Text Label="Show data labels" Type="select" Select="never,hover,always" SelectLabel="Never,Hover,Always" Initial="" />
<Initiate Name="Chart.Title" value="Stream Chart" />
<Initiate Name="Chart.BgColor.ColorHex" value="#FFF" />

Also I tried leaving this blank to access all features and that does not work either appears to be a bug in my version
Qlikview Desktop 12.10.2050


Thanks AJ


3 Replies
Former Employee
Former Employee

The best I have is the following link, but I am guessing you have already been out there, but if not, it may help.  I have forwarded the post link to a colleague as well to see if he can have a look as well, but it may be a few days before he can get to it.


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I now work a compressed schedule, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, so those will be the days I will reply to any follow-up posts.

I have read all kinds of documentation and post. I think the default functionality is broke I probably need to file a bug but I would love to get this to work. Looking forward to some feedback!

Thanks  Andy



I have this SimpeHTML Text object downloaded from qlikblog website.  I want to add actions in the properties. Can you help me on this. I would much appreciate it. I am trying to create an extension for QlikView. Thank you.