Hi all,
I would like to run a qlikview task from access point via EDX.
So i write this macro
Sub ReloadDWH
dim strCommand
strCommand= ActiveDocument.Variables("vEDX_GMBI").GetContent.String
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
msgbox("set wshell")
Return = WshShell.Run (strCommand,0,false)
msgbox("Comando eseguito attendere ricaricamento")
End Sub 'ReloadDWH
I have a button with run macro action.
With QlikView local client it works, but in the access point I have this error:
"Macro Parse Failed. Functionality was lost. Error:"
"D:\QMSEDX\QMSEDX.exe" -task="GMBI_DWH_LIV2.QVW" -verbosity="5"
I also tryied this:
"\\machinename\d$\Program Files\QMSEDX\qmsedx.exe" -task="GMBI_DWH_LIV2.QVW" -qms=http://localhost:4799/QMS/Service -password=""
Any ideas?
Thank you so much!