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How to log as another user on the QlikView webportal

We have a QlikView server running and the access point is reachable (company internally) under \\biserver1\qlikview\index.html

The website only prompts for the first time for a user name, any next time it prompts only for the password assuming it is the same user opening. This is an unappreciated behaviour.

  • Is there a way to always force to provide full user credentials?
  • Why isn't there a "Log out" link on the website? Consideing shared computers this is a real severe security lack if no Log out is possible.

Or at least, is there a QueryString after index.htm to force a re-login or a logout? like ...\index.html?Login

Thank you for your advises ....

3 Replies
Partner - Creator II
Partner - Creator II

Does Clearing all cookies on your browser not help??

Not applicable

Yes, it does. But I don't want to be dependent on a 'nice' user to flush the cookies saved. I don't want the QlikView Webserver to remember user credentials locally. Is there a setting to change the behaviour of index.htm?

thank you

Master II
Master II


You can probably create a Logout button by playing around with some of the functions and calls in login.htm--"AccessPoint.Logout" seems promising. Similarly, you should be able to automatically log out onload() so that users will always need to log back in. Sorry I don't have time to investigate the issue more.
