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Qlik Replicate Release Notes November 2023 - Initial Release until Service Release 2

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Qlik Replicate Release Notes November 2023 - Initial Release until Service Release 2

Last Update:

Jun 4, 2024 7:48:34 AM

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Created date:

Oct 12, 2023 2:12:04 PM

What's new

Learn about new features and improvements in Qlik Replicate.

Migration and upgrade

This section describes the issues that you may encounter when upgrading/migrating to the new version.

Upgrade paths

Qlik supports four Replicate versions (including this one).

Direct upgrade is supported from the last two versions only (including any service releases for those versions). The last two versions are are Replicate November 2022 and Replicate May 2023 SR.

Upgrading from Replicate April 2020 (6.6)

If you are upgrading from Replicate April 2020 (6.6), you need to perform the following upgrades:

  1. Upgrade to Replicate November 2020 (7.0).
  2. Upgrade to Replicate November 2021.
  3. Upgrade to Replicate November 2022.
  4. Upgrade to Replicate November 2023 SR1.

Upgrading from unsupported versions

If you are upgrading from Replicate 6.x (starting from 6.3), you need to perform the following upgrades:

  1. Upgrade to Replicate 6.5.
  2. Upgrade to Replicate November 2020 (7.0).
  3. Upgrade to Replicate November 2021.
  4. Upgrade to Replicate November 2022.
  5. Upgrade to Replicate November 2023 SR1.

Note: If you are upgrading from Replicate 5.5, please contact Qlik Support.

Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 upgrade/installation prerequisite

  • Using the Setup Wizard - It is preferable for .NET Framework 4.8 to be installed on the Replicate Server machine before running Setup. If .NET Framework 4.8 is not present on the machine, Setup will prompt you to install it. This may require the machine to be rebooted once the installation completes.
  • Silent Installation – When recording an Install Shield Silent response file (ISS), the recording must be done on a machine with .NET 4.8 already installed on it as the silent installation process does not include a separate installation of .NET framework 4.8.

Deleting the Replicate self-signed certificate after upgrade

Note: This procedure does not need to be performed when upgrading from Replicate November 2022.

After upgrading, customers that are using Replicate's self-signed certificate (i.e. instead of their own certificate) should perform the following procedure:

  1. Delete all *.pem files from <replicate_data_folder>/ssl/data.
  2. Restart the Qlik Replicate Server service.

This will cause Replicate to generate a new self-signed certificate, thereby ensuring that the certificate will be accepted by newer clients (browsers) that select the more secure TLS 1.3 protocol.

Note that if you do not perform the above procedure, the following error will be encountered when connecting to Replicate Console:

SYS,GENERAL_EXCEPTION,The underlying connection was closed: Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel.

Upgrading an installation with multiple data folders

When upgrading a Replicate installation with multiple Data folders, only the default Data folder (<Product_Dir>\Data) will be automatically upgraded. The other Data folders need to be updated manually by running the following command:

repuictl.exe -d <data_folder_path> setup install

Replicate November 2023 SR1 is not yet FIPS Compliant

The Qlik Replicate November 2023 SR1 release is not FIPS-compliant. Customers who require a FIPS-compliant Qlik Replicate version are advised to remain on their current FIPS-compliant version or upgrade to Qlik Replicate May 2023, which is FIPS-compliant.

Qlik is actively working towards supporting FIPS compliance in November 2023 SR1 and will provide an update once compliance is met and it is appropriate to upgrade. 

Compatibility with related products

This version of Replicate is compatible with the following related products only:

  • Enterprise Manager November 2023 or later
  • Compose November 2023 or later
  • Compose for Data Lakes April 2020 (6.6)

Required post-upgrade steps for tasks with a SAP ODP source endpoint

When upgrading from Replicate versions earlier than Replicate May 2023 SP2, you must perform the following steps in the Replicate Console after the upgrade completes:

  1. Select Advanced Run Options from the Run menu.
  2. Choose Metadata Only  and then select Create missing tables and then stop. Click OK
  3. The task will run, collect missing metadata, and then stop.
  4. Resume the task after it stops.

End of life/support features

This section provides information about End of Life versions, End of Support features, and deprecated features.

End of support

Endpoint types

Support for the following source endpoint types has been discontinued:

  • HP Non-Stop
  • Open VMS RMS
  • Hadoop

Support for the following target endpoint types has been discontinued:

  • MapR
  • MapR Streams
  • Microsoft  APS PDW
  • SAP Sybase IQ
  • HP Vertica
  • Actian Vector
  • IBM Netezza
  • Pivotal Greenplum

Endpoint versions

Support for the following source endpoint versions has been discontinued:

  • MongoDB 4.2
  • Oracle 11.x
  • SAP HANA 1.0

Support for the following target endpoint versions has been discontinued:

  • Oracle 11.x
  • Kafka 1.x
  • Confluent Schema Registry 5.x


Windows Server 2012: Support for installing Replicate on Windows Server 2012 (64-bit) and Windows Server 2012 R2 (64-bit) has been discontinued.

Newly supported versions and third-party software

This section lists the newly supported platforms, database versions and third-party software versions.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.x

This version introduces support for installing Replicate on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.x (64-bit).

Note: Requires Replicate November 2023 SR1 or later

Source endpoint versions/editions

The following source endpoint versions/editions are now supported:

  • MariaDB 10.4 - 10.11 (previously 10.4 and 10.5)
  • Azure Database for MySQL - Flexible Server (Supported via the MySQL source endpoint)
  • ODBC and ODBC with CDC 3.8

Target endpoint versions/editions

The following target endpoint versions/editions are now supported:

  • SingleStore 8.1.x
  • MariaDB 10.4 - 10.11 (previously 10.4 and 10.5)
  • Databricks (Cloud Storage) and Databricks Lakehouse (Delta): 13.3 LTS and Serverless SQL Warehouse
  • Azure Database for MySQL - Flexible Server (Supported via the MySQL target endpoint)
  • ODBC 3.8

Resolved issues

The following section describes the issues resolved in the Replicate November 2023 initial release, through to Service Release 2.

Resolved issues in Replicate November 2023 SR2

Jira issue: RECOB-8239 

Salesforce case: 152509 

Type: Issue 

Component/Process: Snowflake Target 

Description: CLOB columns in Change Tables would be created with Length 0 when the "Limit LOB size to" value exceeded 10240. 


Jira issue: RECOB-8289 

Salesforce case: 152918 

Type: Issue 

Component/Process: Oracle Source - Replicate Log Reader 

Description: The Oracle encryption method was incorrectly detected as HSM instead of Secret Store. 


Jira issue: RECOB-8276 

Salesforce case: N/A 

Type: Enhancement 

Component/Process: Supportability 

Description: The data record logging feature was improved for better supportability. 


Jira issue: RECOB-8171 

Salesforce case: 146408 

Type: Issue 

Component/Process: Oracle Source - Replicate Log Reader 

Description: When the value of the last several records in a column was NULL, UPDATE operations on a table without a key would sometimes cause unpredictable behavior on the target. 

Jira issue: RECOB-8063 

Salesforce case: 140659 

Type: Issue 

Component/Process: Parallel Load 

Description: The Parallel Load feature would not work as expected. 


Jira issue: RECOB-8209 

Salesforce case: 147063 

Type: Issue 

Component/Process: SAP HANA Source (Log based) 

Description: The capture process would sometimes stop with a recoverable "Packet Header Missing" error. 


Jira issue: RECOB-8101 

Salesforce case: 138462 

Type: Issue 

Component/Process: Amazon Redshift 

Description: When the "Limit LOB size" option was enabled, and replication from IBM DB2 from z/OS included CLOB data larger than limited lob size*2, a data error would occur. This issue was resolved using an internal parameter. 


Jira issue: RECOB-8192 

Salesforce case: 150243 

Type: Issue 

Component/Process: Oracle Source - Replicate Log Reader 

Description: Missing UPDATE operations would occur when replicating Advanced Compressed tables with long values. 


Jira issue: RECOB-7965 

Salesforce case: N/A 

Type: Enhancement 

Component/Process: IBM DB2 for z/OS Source 

Description: The DB2 TRACE MONITOR will now be auto-started when it is not active. 


Jira issue: RECOB-8123 

Salesforce case: 148961 

Type: Enhancement 

Component/Process: Kafka 

Description: Support for accessing a proxy server with credentials was implemented using internal parameters. 


Jira issue: RECOB-8135 

Salesforce case: N/A 

Type: Enhancement 

Component/Process: Oracle Source - Replicate Log Reader 

Description: Improved Oracle Log Reader logging. 


Jira issue: RECOB-8027 

Salesforce case: 117549 

Type: Issue 

Component/Process: SAP ODP Source 

Description: UPDATE operations would be captured as INSERT operations when using SLT. 


Jira issue: RECOB-8090 

Salesforce case: 135515 

Type: Issue 

Component/Process: MySQL Source 

Description: Capturing changes from MySQL source would fail after upgrading to 2023.11. 


Jira issue: RECOB-8064 

Salesforce case: 144176 

Type: Enhancement 

Component/Process: Replicate Installation 

Description: Added an option to force the installation to request a user and group. 


Jira issue: RECOB-8021 

Salesforce case: 108548 

Type: Issue 

Component/Process: Kafka 

Description: Tasks using the Kafka target endpoint would consume excessive memory when capturing the REAL data type and using JSON message format. 


Jira issue: RECOB-8066 

Salesforce case: 132663 

Type: Issue 

Component/Process: SAP Application (DB) 

Description: SAP transparent table LOB fields were not exposed in the Replicate UI. 


Jira issue: RECOB-8059 

Salesforce case: 132663 

Type: Issue 

Component/Process: SAP Application (DB) 

Description: It would not be possible to select the "By partition" option of the Parallel Load feature. 


Jira issue: RECOB-8092 

Salesforce case: 138709 

Type: Issue 

Component/Process: IBM DB2 iSeries Source 

Description: When using only RRN as a Primary Key on a table without a Primary key or Unique Index, the Primary Key position would be set to 0 instead of 1. This would result in an incorrect value being inserted in the 'primaryKeyPosition' metadata field. 


Jira issue: RECOB-7760 

Salesforce case: 108951 

Type: Issue 

Component/Process: Kafka Target 

Description: A memory leak would sometimes occur each time a data problem was detected. 


Jira issue: RECOB-7949 

Salesforce case: 106008 

Type: Issue 

Component/Process: Microsoft SQL Server Source 

Description: The internal property logScanRowCount usage would sometimes cause missing operations or entire transactions. This would also result in the Sorter swap files not being deleted. 


Jira issue: RECOB-7966 

Salesforce case: 133745 

Type: Enhancement 

Component/Process: Kafka Target 

Description: Support for tombstone methodology for DELETE operations in Kafka was added using an internal parameter. 


Jira issue: RECOB-7980, RECOB-8016 

Salesforce case: 135999 

Type: Issue 

Component/Process: Oracle Source - Replicate Log Reader 

Description: Missing and duplicate records would sometimes be encountered for multi Insert operations in Oracle instances with ENABLE_GOLDENGATE_REPLICATION=TRUE. 


Jira issue: RECOB-7924 

Salesforce case: 108202 

Type: Issue 

Component/Process: Microsoft SQL Server Source 

Description: The compressed transaction log would be processed incorrectly in some specific SQL Server scenarios. 


Jira issue: RECOB-7973 

Salesforce case: 136823 

Type: Issue 

Component/Process: IBM DB2 for z/OS Source 

Description: The IBM DB2 for z/OS source endpoint would not work with a German DB2 z/OS instance. 


Resolved issues in Replicate November 2023 SR1

This section lists the issues resolved since Replicate November 2023 initial release.

Jira issue: RECOB-7936

Salesforce case: 124583

Type: Issue

Component/Process: Oracle Source - Replicate Log Reader 

Description: When a raw contained more than 1 trailing null and supplemental logging was defined for all the table columns, the After-Image would not contain all the columns.


Jira issue: RECOB-7839

Salesforce case: 121852

Type: Enhancement

Component/Process: IBM Informix Source

Description: Added support for the DECIMAL FLOAT data type using an internal parameter.


Jira issue: RECOB-7954

Salesforce case: N/A

Type: Enhancement

Component/Process: SAP HANA Source (Trigger mode) 

Description: Added support for a configurable wait interval in Capture Trigger Mode v2, via two internal parameters.


Jira issue: RECOB-7934

Salesforce case: 122783

Type: Issue

Component/Process: Microsoft SQL Server (MS-CDC)

Description: Starting from timestamp would start from the Replicate server time instead of the database server time.


Jira issue: RECOB-9755

Salesforce case: N/A

Type: Issue

Component/Process: SAP HANA Target

Description: Removed redundant items options from the endpoint's Advanced tab.


Jira issue: RECOB-7907

Salesforce case: 131380

Type: Issue

Component/Process: Oracle Source - Replicate Log Reader 

Description: Oracle Object ID values greater than 2^31 would be processed incorrectly.


Jira issue: RECOB-7916

Salesforce case: 109512

Type: Issue

Component/Process:  IBM DB2 for z/OS Source

Description: The DB2Z_RECORD pool size would constantly increase and consume excessive memory when detected events did not belong to captured tables.


Jira issue: RECOB-7887

Salesforce case: 129439

Type: Issue

Component/Process:  IBM DB2 for z/OS Source

Description: When a load balancing DB2 URL was configured in the endpointReplicate would fail to reconnect to the source database after a timeout.


Jira issue: RECOB-7889

Salesforce case: 129439

Type: Enhancement

Component/Process:  IBM DB2 for z/OS Source

Description: An internal parameter was added that prevents capture of tables created by third-party applications during CDC.


Jira issue: RECOB-7881

Salesforce case: 127549

Type: Issue

Component/Process: IBM DB2 for z/OS Source

Description:  When parsing DB2 variation 3 log records, the change capture process would stop unexpectedly or UPDATEs would not be captured.


Jira issue: RECOB-7930

Salesforce case: N/A

Type: Enhancement

Component/Process: Google Cloud BigQuery Target

Description: The Google Cloud BigQuery target endpoint build was updated to use .NET 8 for compatibility with OpenSSL 3.x.


Jira issue: RECOB-7874

Salesforce case: N/A

Type: Issue

Component/Process: Microsoft Fabric Data Warehouse Target

Description: The task would sometimes fail when the Limit LOB size to (KB) option was enabled and a LOB column was truncated.


Jira issue: RECOB-7749

Salesforce case: 118870

Type: Issue

Component/Process: Teradata Target

Description: When the data row buffer size exceeded 64k, the task would fail. This issue was resolved using an internal parameter.


Jira issue: RECOB-7770

Salesforce case: 84061

Type: Enhancement

Component/Process: PostgreSQL Source

Description: "Unsupported operation encountered: 'TRUNCATE' ignored" warnings would wrongly be shown for tables not included in the task. The issue was resolved using a feature flag.


Jira issue: RECOB-7850

Salesforce case: N/A

Type: Issue

Component/Process: Microsoft Fabric Data Warehouse Target

Description: The number of files applied in a batch would exceed the number specified in the Number of files to apply in a batch field.


Jira issue: RECOB-7854

Salesforce case: 120894

Type: Issue

Component/Process: Targets: Amazon Redshift, Databricks Lakehouse (Delta), Snowflake

Description: Temporary files would accumulate on disk during Full Load instead of being deleted. This would sometimes result in crashes due to insufficient disk space.


Jira issue: RECOB-7734

Salesforce case: 120019

Type: Issue

Component/Process: Databricks Lakehouse (Delta)

Description: When working with the Unmanaged tables option and resuming a task from timestamp, zero records would be replicated.


Jira issue: RECOB-7814

Salesforce case: 117552

Type: Issue

Component/Process: Notifications

Description: It would not be possible to specify different Notification on message and Notification off message texts.


Jira issue: RECOB-7833

Salesforce case: 121945

Type: Issue

Component/Process: AIS Source 

Description: Timestamp header columns such as $AR_H_COMMIT_TIMESTAMP and $AR_H_TIMESTAMP would not include milliseconds.


Jira issue: RECOB-7810

Salesforce case: N/A

Type: Issue

Component/Process: Microsoft Fabric Data Warehouse Target

Description: Replication of tables with a BLOB data type would fail.


Jira issue: RECOB-7771

Salesforce case: 80371

Type: Issue

Component/Process: SAP ODP Source

Description: The task would always show constant CDC latency (regardless of the configured delta interval) when Replicate Server was installed in a timezone with a negative offset from UTC time.


Jira issue: RECOB-7809

Salesforce case: N/A

Type: Enhancement

Component/Process: Change Tables

Description: Added a verbose message to improve supportability.


Jira issue: RECOB-7744

Salesforce case: 93527

Type: Issue

Component/Process: SAP HANA Source (Trigger mode) 

Description: During CDC, some records would not be replicated to the target. The issue was resolved by disabling the maxRowIdFromView internal parameter.


Jira issue: RECOB-7699

Salesforce case: NA

Type: Enhancement

Component/Process: Replicate Installation

Description: The Replicate RPM now uses systemd for Replicate service instances instead of init.d.


Jira issue: RECOB-7796

Salesforce case: 123341

Type: Issue

Component/Process: Oracle Source - Replicate Log Reader 

Description: Following the installation of the Oracle 19c Oct 2023 patch, an UPDATE for a table with supplemental logging on all columns would suspend the table with the following error:

00002224: 2023-11-07T21:12:42:15551  [TARGET_APPLY    ]T:  Failed to get source column def for ids[3]=32714. [1021803]  (endpointshell.c:4499)

00002221: 2023-11-07T21:12:42:21648  [TASK_MANAGER    ]W:  Table '<name>' (subtask 0 thread 1) is suspended. Failed to get source column def for ids[3]=32714.  (replicationtask.c:3150)


Jira issue: RECOB-7703

Salesforce case: 114443

Type: Issue

Component/Process: Oracle Source - Replicate Log Reader 

Description: Attempting to capture a DELETE operation on a migrated row in a SYS.OBJ$ table would cause the task to fail.


Jira issue: RECOB-7697

Salesforce case: 85369

Type: Issue

Component/Process: Oracle Source - Replicate Log Reader 

Description: Following the installation of the Oracle 19c July CPU Patch (, capturing Direct Inserts to wide tables (exceeding 255 columns) or compressed tables (basic and advanced) would sometimes not work as expected.


Resolved issues in Replicate November 2023 initial release

This section lists the issues resolved since Replicate May 2023 SR1.

Jira issue: RECOB-7506

Salesforce case: 73909

Type: Issue

Component/Process: SAP Application (DB) 

Description:  When the last batch contained operations on clustered tables, some changes would sometimes not be captured after detach/attach or stop/resume.


Jira issue: RECOB-7509

Salesforce case: 105266

Type: Enhancement

Component/Process: Oracle Source - Replicate Log Reader 

Description: Added support for Archived redo logs destination ID 32, which is sometimes used in a Physical Standby environment.


Jira issue: RECOB-7457

Salesforce case: 94798

Type: Issue

Component/Process:  Replicate Installation

Description: The docker sample used CentOS 7 while Replicate requires CentOS 8.


Jira issue: RECOB-7408

Salesforce case: 83880

Type: Issue

Component/Process:  IBM DB2 for z/OS Source

Description: The capture process would not recover from a communication error in the metadata connection.


Jira issue: RECOB-7349

Salesforce case: 94030

Type: Issue

Component/Process: Salesforce Incremental Load

Description: When capturing transactions longer than the transaction consistency parameter, changes would be captured in the incorrect order. Added a warning to inform customers when this occurs.


Jira issue: RECOB-7464

Salesforce case: 85369

Type: Issue

Component/Process: Oracle Source - Replicate Log Reader 

Description: Direct Insert on a wide (exceeding 255 columns) Advanced or Basic compressed table would sometimes cause the replication task to fail.


Jira issue: RECOB-7449

Salesforce case: 75277

Type: Issue

Component/Process: Linux Server

Description:  Replicate Server would sometimes crash when the browser closed the connection unexpectedly. 


Jira issue: RECOB-7477

Salesforce case: 102135

Type: Issue

Component/Process: SAP Extractor Source

Description: An ABORT of a delta extractor job during change capture would result in a table being suspended, instead of a recoverable error. 


Jira issue: RECOB-7365

Salesforce case: N/A

Type: Issue

Component/Process: MongoDB Source

Description: Selecting multiple individual tables (i.e. not using a pattern) would result in no changes being captured.


Jira issue: RECOB-7456

Salesforce case: 96660

Type: Issue

Component/Process: SAP ODP

Description: When unloading failed, it would be reported as completed instead of failed.


Jira issue: RECOB-7458

Salesforce case: 84117

Type: Issue

Component/Process: Databricks (Cloud Storage)

Description: When reconnecting after a recoverable error while uploading a file, the last file would not be uploaded, resulting in missing data.


Jira issue: RECOB-7461

Salesforce case: 97216

Type: Issue

Component/Process: Cloudera Data Platform Target

Description: Kerberos authentication would not work properly.


Jira issue: RECOB-7279

Salesforce case: N/A

Type: Issue

Component/Process: SDK

Description: QCS Repagent Endpoint Server logs would be duplicated when scrolling up.


Jira issue: RECOB-7440

Salesforce case: 92546

Type: Enhancement

Component/Process: SAP ODP

Description: Added support for CDS views that have mandatory parameters.


Jira issue: RECOB-7288

Salesforce case: 87621

Type: Issue

Component/Process:  Databricks Lakehouse (Delta)

Description: When using merge, if one of the columns in a Unique Index was NULL the changes would not be applied correctly. The issue was resolved using a Feature Flag at task and server level.


Jira issue: RECOB-7385

Salesforce case: 73152

Type: Issue

Component/Process:  IBM DB2 for z/OS Source

Description: The following ambiguous warning message would sometimes be issued when resuming a task:

Transaction <> was committed after the Full Load started and the BEGIN TRANSACTION statement was not captured


Jira issue: RECOB-7425

Salesforce case: N/A

Type: Issue

Component/Process: Snowflake Target

Description: When a Snowflake stage already existed in the target, Full Load would sometimes fail.


Jira issue: RECOB-7423

Salesforce case: 87699

Type: Issue

Component/Process: Oracle Source - Replicate Log Reader 

Description: When replicating a non-compressed table, the following warning would sometimes occur, after which there would be missing DELETE operations:

MULTI DELETE compressed event cannot be parsed


Jira issue: RECOB-7414

Salesforce case: 79317

Type: Issue

Component/Process: SAP Extractor Source

Description: Import of the Transport to a SAP Application Server would fail due to vulnerability issues.


Jira issue: RECOB-7220

Salesforce case: 52384

Type: Issue

Component/Process:  DB2 z/OS Source

Description: DB2 would sometimes abend in a data sharing environment when tasks moved back and forth between LPARs.


Jira issue: RECOB-7328

Salesforce case: 86717

Type: Issue

Component/Process: Microsoft Azure ADLS Target

Description: When using numerous segments for Parallel Load to any File-based target, errors would sometimes occur during Full Load.


Jira issue: RECOB-7405

Salesforce case: 94821

Type: Issue

Component/Process: Microsoft Event Hubs Target

Description: When one or more error occured, and one of them was a connection error, Replicate would suspend the table being replicated instead of trying to reconnect.


Jira issue: RECOB-7415

Salesforce case: 85636

Type: Issue

Component/Process: SAP ODP

Description: When Current Data mode was enabled, Full Load would not replicate any records and the following error would occur during CDC:

java.lang.String incompatible with java.math.BigDecimal


Jira issue: RECOB-7622

Salesforce case: 111550

Type: Issue

Component/Process: Microsoft SQL Server Source

Description: The task would sometimes stop unexpectedly when reading an SQL Server backup transaction log.


Jira issue: RECOB-7603

Salesforce case: 108309

Type: Issue

Component/Process: IBM DB2 for iSeries Source

Description: Attempting a Full Load of a table with over 1000 columns using the "loadCSV" internal parameter would sometimes fail with the following error (excerpt):

Command failed to load data with exit error code 3


Jira issue: RECOB-7558

Salesforce case: 105303

Type: Issue

Component/Process:  Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL Source

Description:  The following issue would sometimes occur during CDC:

  • When capturing several changes in a single bulk update, some of the changes would sometimes be missing
  • When capturing bulk updates, single updates would sometimes be ignored

Known Issues

Jira issue: RECOB-7770

Salesforce case: 84061

Type: Issue

Component/Process: PostgreSQL Source

Description: Whenever source database table that are not part of the replicate task are truncated, the following warning is logged:

[SOURCE_CAPTURE ]W: Unsupported operation encountered: 'TRUNCATE' ignored. (postgres_endpoint_wal_utils.c:1919)

This increases the log size, thereby impacting the amount of resources. 


Jira issue: RECOB-7749

Salesforce case: 118870

Type: Issue

Component/Process: Teradata Target

Description: The following error occurs when replicating rows larger than 64k:

Data row buffer size exceeds maximal supported size


Jira issue: RECOB-7734

Salesforce case: 120019

Type: Issue

Component/Process: Databricks Lakehouse (Delta) Target

Description: When the Create table as option is set to Unmanaged tables, no records are loaded when starting a task from timestamp.


Jira issue: RECOB-7703

Salesforce case: 114443

Type: Issue

Component/Process: Oracle Source - Replicate Log Reader

Description: Attempting to capture a DELETE operation on a migrated row in a SYS.OBJ$ table would cause the task to fail.


Jira issue: RECOB-7697

Salesforce case: 85369

Type: Issue

Component/Process: Oracle Source - Replicate Log Reader

Description: Following the installation of the Oracle 19c July CPU Patch (, capturing direct Inserts to wide (more than 255 columns) or compressed tables (basic and advanced) does not work as expected.


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Qlik’s vision is a data-literate world, where everyone can use data and analytics to improve decision-making and solve their most challenging problems. A private SaaS company, Qlik offers an Active Intelligence platform, delivering end-to-end, real-time data integration and analytics cloud solutions to close the gaps between data, insights and action. By transforming data into Active Intelligence, businesses can drive better decisions, improve revenue and profitability, and optimize customer relationships. Qlik does business in more than 100 countries and serves over 50,000 customers around the world.

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Release details
Qlik Replicate
Release name:
november 2023
Initial Release and SR2
Version history
Last update:
‎2024-06-04 07:48 AM
Updated by: