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Specialist II
Specialist II

Graphs under Printsheet empty !!


My Private Bytes graph(for QVWS and IIS) , Working Set Graph(for QVWS and IIS) , CPU(for QVWS and IIS) under print sheet is empty. WHy is it so ?

My QVSa nd QVWS arre both same so i made one data collector and started it. But no values are being shown . Why is it so ??

ALso i am not geting session file.


30 Replies
Specialist II
Specialist II


In my url, server name is salesbook. and when logs are created except jmeter , machine name SE103222 is prefixed. So, i changed it to salesbookqa , but still i didn't get Working set , private bytes values for some tests. What to do ??


Specialist II
Specialist II


I created a test scenario in QVscalability tool. I run the test for 10Users, Inifnite iterations , Rampup period: 5 sec , Duration: 180 sec. and after that when i analysed the result:

1: Under Main,Relative Time Tab:

  I didn't get RAM per click

2: Under MAin,Calendar Time:

I didn't get data in Messages , Errors per server , CPU QVS , Private Bytes , QVS sessions, Session Started.

3: Under Troubleshoot tab:

In assertion , Actions i am getting 100% error for all the test that i conducted.

4: Under Printsheet, Calendar time , I didn't get value for Working Set , Private bytes.

When i openend the xml file in jmeter, i see all that actions that i added are in RED. Why is it so ??

Also no session file is being made.

Plz Help.


Specialist II
Specialist II

Hey sebastian,

I am stuck with a problem. Plz help it is imp.

When i created test scenario and analysed results, i see in troubleshoot

sheet that the ERROR% for all request is 100%. That means all requests are

failing. When i open test.xml file in jmeter and run and see in result

tree, i see that i can access the doc but every action that i put in test

from Access point to clear all are failing. A red triangle for all those

actions are there. Which means none of actions are responding. All are

failing. Although i can access the same doc in browser and do multiple

clicks. Plz help.

On 10-Feb-2015 12:17 PM, "Sebastian Fredenberg" <>



You are back to posting the same question in several places, and you are posting questions that have been answereed as well. The original questions asked in this particular thread have been answered, just a few posts up.

You have previously posted that you have not accessed your document manually with a browser. If this is the case

then the instructions provided upon in the documentation has not been followed completely which I believe is what causes the issues you seen. I will however try to address the varuous issues here:

* No session log indicates either that the setup is wrong, or simply that no session has been created. If you

are able to access the document uploaded to the access point from a browser then a session should be created. If

you can not open the application with a browser then jmeter will not work either.

* 100% error means that no request is successful. Likely there is something wrong with the servername or

documentname otherwise there is usually a few succesful requests even though access is denied. Creating the script with the tool requires you to copy the url from a browser and paste it to the scalability tool GUI, if you do not use a browser then likelyhood for errors will increase.

* If you can see RAM without selecting a test and then it disappears when selecting a test, then jmeter and

perfcounters are not connected properly. The documentation covers how to handle this (set machinename in qvd

generator & create metafile). The timezone also has to be correct in the qvd generator. When I say RAm that includes graphs for RAM per click, Private Bytes, Working set.

* If you do not get IIS but QVWS, then have you really installed IIS? Usually one of these are needed, not both.

So to summarize, first of all double check the documentation, and check previous responses in these threads as many of the answers and helpful suggestions are there. Then, you need to access the document with a browser, this is a prerequisite to create the scripts and if this does not work then jmeter will not work. Finally, do not post the same question over and over again in several threads.

Specialist II
Specialist II

HEy ,

I check it Session logs are being created but a bit later.

Now , i have also double check the documents. I would like to tell you the steps i followed:

1: I go to QMC, Under System Tab -> Setup -> Select Servername -> Documents Tab -> Remove the check sign from "Allow Session Recovery".

2: Under Logging Tab -> Change the folder locatn for logs to my locatn. Change Verbosity -> High . Change split files to Daily.

3: Apply Changes in QMC

4: Go to Server MAnager - > Create datata collector by importing Process.xml file

5: Under Roles -> Select IIS (which is already running) and select Application Pool and made req changes.

6: Restart QVS and IIS and start data collector

7: Open QVScalability tool - > Give URL of Document

8: Select Layout folder and then MAke actions(Provided we do not have access point. We directly give Dashboard Link)

9: Generate Script. -> Execute Script.

10: Click on Serve Metafecher -> Put server name and fetch the properties. Serverinfo.xml is created. This step i repeat only once because server name is same

11: In qvd generator , i put folder name. Reload it. The jmeter test comes after reloading. Now under test server name i put server name and click on Create Meta-csv. A meta file.csv is created inside <MAinfolder>

12: I click on SC_Results for analysis. Put my Folder name and reload it.

13: Now i cannot see the Working set and Private bytes values for QVS and IIS. Ram per click values are not there. Under Troubleshoot in Assertions, Actions tab i am getting 100% error for Error% for all my requests.

When i open Test.xml in jmeter i see i can access the doc but whatever actions i put in test scenario , they all are failing. Why is it so ??

Specialist II
Specialist II


also i would like to know what kind of authentication should i use ?? I used NTLM but all my req are failing. In QMC under authentication , allow anonymous is selected and anonymous account is On local computer.

Also i logged in to server windows but when i access the document i have to give username and password on browser. In this case which authentcation works ??

Plz help.


Specialist II
Specialist II

Hey Sebastian,

Also i would like to know that if my all req are failing then how it can

show exact number of sessions created, exact number of clicks on evey

actions, response time per action values are also shown. How can these

values be shown if all my req are failing. Plz help

On 17-Feb-2015 1:14 PM, "Sebastian Fredenberg" <>



Now it is much easier to help as we can see what steps you have performed. I believe you have previously stated that you get RAM/CPU when not selecting a test in the analyzer. If that occurs the logfiles are not connected properly through servername or the timezone is not changed in QVD generator. The serverinfo.xml also should be put in the testfolder that contains folders for JMeterLogs,QVD etc.

If you have gotten those perfornace counters in the past but not anymore then check so that the data collector is still running. Depending on how the perfornace counters are set up you might need to have all services running when the data collector is started.

As for why you get 100%, the only suggestion I can give is to run it through the jmeter gui and check view results tree. Check both request data and responses for any clues on what errors cause the requests to be failing. You will still get numbers of session & clicks as well as response times as this is measured by jmeter. Even if requests fail - it will still try and it can measure the time to get the response.

As for authentication, you need to set the same authentication in jmeter as you have setup in your server. You also need to make sure you have enought qlikview licenses to simulate your users. The user running the script need to have access to the document, and if you are shown a login prompt then I wonder you are running the test with a user that has access with NTLM.

This can be the cause for the 100% error, so make sure you have a correct setup according to QlikView server reference manual and then reflect that in the script.

Specialist II
Specialist II


THanks but i didnot get you completely.

LEt me tell you some more things:

1: I have installed jmeter , QVScalalbility tool on server machine itself(because it is 64 bit)

2: When i open browser and access the document (on which i have to test), i have to give my user name and password.

3: In QMC under authentication tab , Allow anonymous is selected.

4: In QVScalability tool i have selected NTLM authentication. What you advice ??

5: When i generate script and then execute script. I didnot open jmeter yet. But when in analysis i get 100% error for all the req in assertions,actions under troubleshoot tab , i open script in QVScalability tool in jmeter(with option open in jmeter.) And i run the script in jmeter now. For all the actions that i add from AccessPoint to Clear all , i am getting them in RED color. It seems they failed.

6: In QMC client is selected as IE client. And jmeter prefer Firefox. Hope this is not an issue.

7: Should i need to make Proxy setting in browser ?

8: also since u said that because i ahve to give username and password for opening a doc then can you plz tell me how this will cause 100% error ?? And what kind of authentication should i have so that 100% error should not be there.

9: And also i would like to know that you said even though all requests failed , jmeter try to access actions and show number of clicks and response time. Are they accurate (same as when all requests are successful) ? If yes then can you plz explain how ..

I don't know why all req failing. Plz help. It is urgent

Specialist II
Specialist II


One more thing i would like to add that:

When we generate script in QVScalabilty tool then it set values for:

server, path, webserver, document name. In my case, qvs and iis have same

server name(both running in same) .In script generated, values for server

is empty, value for path is | , value for document name is:

abc_supervisory/salesreport.qvw and webserver name is : cd123456. Does it

has something to do with failures of my req?

Plz help.

On 18-Feb-2015 2:18 PM, "Sebastian Fredenberg" <>