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is here some option how to set for analyzer capacity license user different Session inactivity timeout (10 min) than for user with professional license (default 30 min)?
I need it for our case when app is reloaded each 15 min and app reload extend session inactivity timeout. If I left the capacity license to reload for 30 minutes, the license would be used up if the user did not log out. Reload is considered as a user activity.
Is here some way how to deal with it?
User with professional license doesn´t want to be logged out every 10 minutes.
Thank you for ideas
In multi-node enviroment maybe you can create a Load Balancing rule to send Professional users on a specific node with 30m timeout set in virtual proxy, and Analyzers on another node with 10m timeout set in virtual proxy.
On a single node enviroment i'm not sure if it's possible. Because timeout it's set on the Node Virtual Proxy not on the user atributes.
Best Regards,